Chapter 27: Ice Cream & Kisses

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~Nat's POV~

So we decided to get some ice cream cause it's kinda hot out there in L.A. and we got ourselves some ice cream & Harley is still missing Jenny even thought I told her we was only gonna be here for a week but I think I can do something to is I take out my phone & I decided to call it from John.


"Hey man how is L.A.? said John

"Going good is Jenny awake?" I said

"Yea she just finished her nap do y'all wanna talk to her?" said John

"Yeah cause Harley is missing Jenny like non-stop." I said

*Nat & Harley starts talking to Jenny*

"Hi sweetie how's Mommy's little princess doing?" said Harley "Mommy misses you."

*Jenny doing baby talk*

"Mommy & Dadddy miss you munchkin." I said

*Jenny still making baby sounds*

"Mommy & Daddy love you & I can't wait to be home with you soon." said Harley

*Jenny smiles at Nat & Harley*

"Daddy loves you baby girl." I said "We will be home before you know it."

"I guess somebody is hungry." said John "Tell Mommy & Daddy you love them"

*Jenny smiles at Nat & Harley again*

"Mommy & Daddy will talk to you later okay we love you bye bye." I said

-End of FaceTime-

So Harley was happy she got to FaceTime with Jenny and we just are finishing up our Ice Creams they melted a bit but it's worth talking to our daughter & man last night kissing Harley was my gosh great as always & we are gonna go explore L.A. for awhile & maybe get something for Jenny and just walk around the places & I think me & Harley are gonna have our time in the hotel so we just walked around places and she was enjoying some views & I already have my views is my wife & she has already given me so many gifts which is her love & our daughter and I already gave her the same gifts as she gave me cause and were gonna try to have another baby as soon as Jenny is either 3 or 4 and I am just very blessed to have Harley & now our daughter & Harley is just as beautiful as always even after she gave birth to Jenny I still remember that day we was in the hospital waiting on Jenny to come into this world even though Harley squeezed my hand like really hard and it really hurt but it was worth having Jenny coming into this world and she is defiantly a Daddy's girl cause when Harley was still pregnant she would kick every time she hears my voice & I loved her since the day I found out that Harley was pregnant & I loved her even knowing the gender and I still love her & Harley and they will always be my loves & Harley is just so beautiful and gosh I love her so much. Sooner we got back to our hotel & changed into comfy cloths & man does she look stunning in everyday and I am gonna get her in the mood.

"You doing okay babe?" I said as I got in the bed

"Yeah i'm just tired." said Harley as she gets in the bed also

"So I guess it's just us alone in our hotel." I said as I scoot closer to her

"I love you babes." said Harley as we kissed

"I love you too." I said as I kissed her neck like crazy "You are so beautiful in every way."

*Harley giggles a bit*

"I love you more." said Harley as she wraps her arms around me and kisses me even more

"I never thought I can be so lucky to have you & being able to kiss you forever and I am with you for the rest of your life & man your so kissable." I said kissing her neck again

"Babe you are such a great kisser." said Harley as she feels me kissing her neck "Oh my gosh babe"

"You are so freaking kissable." I said as we kept kissing more & more

So I just kept kissing her & we just been enjoying our quality alone time & gosh she's so hot and kissable and I cannot keep my lips of her & I can't wait till we go home to be with our daughter and I can't wait for Jenny's 1st christmas just seeing them two makes me so happy and honored to have these two. I just kept kissing Harley more & more things and I just can't stop kissing her.

*Sooner they finally got done & fell asleep*

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