Chapter 30: Slipped Away

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*So the week went by Harley & Nat are heading home & already at the airport*

~Nat's POV~

So we are at the airport we are just ready to be home with Jenny we just miss her so much but I had fun in L.A. with my beautiful wife and Harley found out that We As Human got back together & their having a reunion concert and their gonna have a concert along with Lacey Sturm, Skillet & Thousand Foot Krutch their concert is the day after Christmas & it's gone be me, Harley, John & Camren and it's gonna be our Christmas present for us and Aunt Sierra is gonna watch Jenny while we go the concert and I know they are gonna love their Christmas present & me & Harley are gonna go Christmas shopping for the family, friends & our number one is our little Jenny & I aint really expecting to get many gifts cause I already got mine before Christmas my gifts are Harley & Jenny they are the best gifts I ever had & Harley and I are excited to be home with our daughter & she is just growing since she's 2 months old and so we got on the plane and Harley is just listening to Korn on her phone I think the song she's listening to right now is Insane.

*As the hours went by they area already back in New York and finally made it home*

"Hey baby girl Mommy & Daddy have missed you so much." said Harley as she picks Jenny up

"Oh look there's Daddy." said Harley as she hands Jenny to me

"Hey baby girl how's Daddy's little princess doing?" I said giving Jenny kisses on the cheek

*Jenny makes baby sounds*

"So how was L.A?" said John

"It was good we gotten to do a lot of things." I said

"Sounds like y'all 2 had a great time." said Aunt Sierra

"Yeah we did but we was ready to come & be with our Jenny." said Harley

*Jenny making baby noises again*

"Are you happy that Mommy & Daddy are home?" said John "Uh-huh Mommy & Daddy had missed you."

*So the hours went by & Aunt Sierra has went home*

"So John how is you & Camren working out?" said Harley

"Were doing good & did you hear We As Human got back together?" said John

"YES I was like this better not be a joke cause it's been 2 years since We As Human called it quits." said Harley "Did you also hear their gonna have a concert here the day after christmas?"

"Yeah we need to go." said John "I also heard Lacey Sturm, Thousand Foot Krutch and Skillet are gonna be there."

"I heard that too & I been wanting to meet Lacey Sturm I already had read The Reason & I gotta get her to sign the book." said Harley

"Well you guys are gonna love my early Christmas present from me." I said "I already go the tickets I got 4 tickets one for me Harley, John & Camren."

"OMG are you serious?"said Harley & John

"Yeah I am dead serious." I said as I nodded "Aren't I the best husband & brother-in-law?"

"YEAH." said Harley & John as they begin to go crazy

~Harley's POV~

So Nat got us tickets to the concert I am so happy that We As Human is back together cause I remember when Justin Cordle wrote the farewell letter on why We As Human couldn't continue but I am so happy they got back together & they also said their currently writing new music for the new album for to be released next year and we are friends with Skillet cause we are their Panheads and I remember introducing Nat to Skillet cause he mostly listens to The Beatles and don't get me wrong I love The Beatles and I never knew Nat would accept me for who I am since the 1st time we met & he see's me more than just the outside of me and cause he has always been there for me through my mental illness and the time where I was almost killed by my ex-boyfriend and he never leaves my side & I am just thankful that I have a husband that loves me through all this even though I been in the hospital multiple times but I don't know I am still struggling the fact that Dad didn't want anything to do with me & John but I have people who care about me & John and most importantly I have a daughter that loves me even though she's just 2 months old and I still having trouble with myself-esteem cause I have a hard time most of my life since Mom had died and I still miss her everyday I remember being in the hospital with her the day she was dying.

*Flashback to their Mom's death*

"MOM, MOM please don't go." I said crying

"Harley just remember I will always love you & John & I will always be with you." said Mom as her voice gets weak "I have to go now."

*As her voice gotten weaker & weaker her skin was cold as ice & she stopped breathing and her eyes slowly closing and died*

"Mom, mom, MOM, MOM." I said crying 

*As she was just watching her Mom being taken & she just cries and left the hospital and got in the car. A few hours later she went home broke the news to John & they both cried and a few mins later they went to the rooms & Harley turns on Slipped Away by: Avril Lavigne as its also her favorite rock musician it reminds her of the loss of her Mom and she just listens to it as she begins crying more tears*

*End of flashback*

As the flashback ended it was time for bed & John was already in bed and I putted Jenny in her crib and turned on the baby monitor and I turned off Jenny's lamp & left the night light on for her so she doesn't get scared of the dark and as I left her door cracked a bit and walked into the room getting my pi's on & Nat was already in the bed the tv was turned on to The Big Bang Theory well I am obsessed with The Big Bang Theory the part where Penny & Lenoard got married in vegas.

"Are you okay babe?" said Nat "Cause you looked like you just had a flashback."

"Im fine babe I was just thinking about things." I said

"Are you sure cause you can tell me anything cause I can tell that you had a flashback cause I can see by the look on your face." said Nat "Just tell me babe & I can help you." 

"Well it was the flashback the day of my Mom's death." I said

"Do you remember how it happened?" said Nat

"Well I was in the hospital with Mom the day she was dying hearing her last words & after hearing the last words & after she stopped breathing and died I remembered this song Slipped Away by Avril Lavigne it just is my song for her the day she died." I said

"I know you miss your Mom babe but you just gotta remember she isn't suffering cancer anymore she's free from it & I know it was hard on you & John babe but she is watching you & John right now & she's watching all of us including Jenny." said Nat as he wraps his arms around me

"I know babe it's just that I just don't know what to do babe." I said crying

"Babe everything is gonna be okay you just gotta remember we have a daughter that loves you dearly and you have Me, John, Aunt Sierra, my costars who are my friends and Alex and my family we all care about you I know you don't feel like it but we do & I married you on purpose cause I love you and it's not because how you look it's cause of what you are on the inside babe & I never left your side the moment I have met you and just think of positive things babe okay baby." said Nat 

"Okay baby I love you." I said

"I love you too babe." said Nat as he kissed me

"I'm so tired babe." I said as I yawned

"I know babe let's go ahead and get some sleep." said Nat as he turns of the lamp

*They went to sleep*

To be continued...............

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