Chapter 20: Harley's Problem

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*As the weeks went by they finally got to go back home Chad got caught & is now back in Orlando in prison & Aunt Sierra decided to move into a small apartment to be near them incase something goes wrong*

~Nat's POV~

 So Jenny is taking a nap & I am still getting worried about Harley she hasn't been eating most of the time ever since she found out the truth about her Dad & she it's already been a week and she her energy is going low and every time she picks up Jenny it hurts her like thats part of the problem muscle loss cause she's been starving herself she's also had headaches, and also vomiting/nausea & weakness, and she's getting pale & all the sudden something was going horribly wrong she's in the bathroom going through the symptoms & I hollered John while I was in the bathroom comforting Harley & after she got done throwing up everything is started getting worse here & I started freaking out & then John walks in and he started freaking out.

"Whats happening?" said John in a worried tone

"She threw up & after that she blacked out & she's breathing but she's not waking up." I said as I freaked out 

"We need to take her to the hospital you call 911 & i'll call Aunt Sierra." said John as he picks up his phone & calls Aunt Sierra

-On The Phone With Aunt Sierra-

"Hey is everything okay?" said Aunt Sierra

"No I think something is wrong with Harley  and she hasn't eaten in days & she was throwing up, lack of energy, she's pale, headaches & muscle loss & I think she's been starving herself so I need you here." said John as he cries

"Okay I am already heading there right now & did you call 911?" said Aunt Sierra

"Nat has already took care of it." said John

"Okay just hang in there." said Aunt Sierra

-Off The Phone With Sierra-

"I called her she's on her way right now." said John

"Okay." I said holding Harley in my arms as her eyes kept opening & closing  "Babe everything is gonna be okay Aunt Sierra is on her way & I already called an ambulance & their gonna help you."

*Aunt Sierra comes into the house*

"Hey where's Harley?" said Aunt Sierra

"She's in the bathroom & I see the ambulance I will be right back to show where we are." said John as he walks out the door

*Aunt Sierra enters the bathroom*

"Hey Nat oh my gosh she aint looking too good." said Aunt Sierra

"I know & I am freaking out & wheres John?" I said 

"He's getting the paramedics here there already here." said Aunt Sierra

"Okay & go check on Jenny." I said

"Okay." said Aunt Sierra

*Aunt Sierra heads to Jenny's room & saw her crying & took her out of her crib*

*The Paramedics came in the apartment*

As soon as the Paramedics came in they got Harley she was still awake but I think she's about to black out  & I am gonna be with her in the ambulance John said he's gonna met us there. We just got into the ambulance & I notice the look on her face that it looks like part of her is hurting her cause she has some muscle loss & I can see a tear coming down her face & I held her hand

"Babe it hurts." said Harley as she gets tears down her face as she squeezes my hand a bit

"Were almost there babe everything is gonna be okay." I said 

"Im scared babe." said Harley

"Im right here babe its gonna be okay." I said

As soon as we got to the hospital they took out of the ambulance & they took her straight into the room & I sat in the waiting room & John has already made it here & we just sit in the waiting room until they tell us on what's wrong Harley & I hate that Jenny alrighty saw the trauma I know she doesn't understand what's going on it's just that she likes to spend more time with her Mommy but Harley's energy just was not going good cause she's gotten so tired easily and I just can't stop worrying about Harley & I hate that she's doing this to herself by starving herself & she's making herself sick from that I can't let her do this to herself and me, John & Aunt Sierra need to help her & care for her and I just hope she's gonna be okay.

*About 2 hours later the doctor finally came*

"Hey anyone here for Harley Wolff?" said The Doctor

"Yeah were here for her." said John as we got up

"Are you guys friends or family?" said The Doctor

"Im her husband." said Nat

"And you?" said The Doctor 

"Im her brother." said John

"Okay I wanna talk to y'all about Harley so follow me guys." said The Doctor

*They followed him to Harley's room*

"Well guys she has starved herself how long has this been going on?" said The Doctor

"Its been going on last week & she hasn't eaten like I tried to get her to but she wouldn't listen & she's gotten sick." I said

"What was her problem? Like any mental illness or depression or something like that." said The Doctor

"She has been going through mental illness through a year & she is depressed." I said

"What has started all that?" said The Doctor

"She has suffered depression since our Mom died & last week she found out the truth about why our Dad has abonded us she wouldn't eat or anything she would just stay her room & not come out." said John

"Well were gonna have to keep Harley for the night they got her stabilized but she has to eat something cause it's very dangerous it could kill her and we got her eating some crackers cause she needed to be eating & she seems to be doing okay not throwing up after she eaten the whole thing so thats a good sign & she's gonna have to get some rest to get her energy up & she needs to rest her muscles she has to sleep for like 2 or 3 hours until she's recovered & we  got her prescription for her pills so here you go & she's in the room if you wanna see her." said The Doctor 

"Thanks so much." I said

"No problem sir now you guys have a goodnight." said The Doctor as he walked away

So I went to her room John was getting tired so he decided to go home but he's gonna come pick us up right after Harley gets discharged tomorrow so Aunt Sierra already dropped off my sleepwear, change of cloths, pillow & blanket & I just sat in the rocking chair holding Harley's hand she is asleep they put her on medicine that made her sleepy which is good she needs a lot of rest & I am just watching her sleeping I hear nothing but monitors beeping & I am just happy she's okay.

To be continued.............

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