Chapter 37: Harley's Stalker

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(Hey guys I haven't moved yet but I had putted this on hold for awhile but since the move aint coming anytime soon I'm gonna write the fan fictions and I also wrote a new fan fiction called The Neverending Story: The Next Hero so if y'all haven't read it go check it out I will be doing chapter 2 so enjoy this chapter.)

~Nat's POV~

So it's been yesterday that Harley got discharged from the hospital and Jenny is still confused on why Harley isn't talking well she's just a baby Jenny doesn't understand it but I hate that Harley is going through terror with her ex-boyfriend and his sidekick and were also getting stuff together cause clowns are coming around so we got prepared for us to stay out of the outside so the clown doesn't hurt us and we also got guns and a few baseball bats so we got all the foods & stuff to keep ourselves occupied and I gotten a lot of stuff me & John did a big shopping thing today & Aunt Sierra helped out today since Harley can't talk this week the doctor called it be a week so we should be good by Christmas. So Harley is watching The Neverending Story and she's just holding Jenny for her nap and Harley has been acting strange bc she is acting like she's having a feeling someone is stalking her.

"Hey baby me & John are gonna go to get some lunch okay." I said

*Harley nodded yes*

~Harley's POV~

I swear I have a feeling that some creep is watching me right now and I have a feeling something was feeling weird and creepy like I am scared I am alone with Jenny and I can't speak at all this week and I am scared that it's gonna show up at my door and I am scared it might be either Chad or Mason or some other cougar or a clown I'm very scared now and I was just putting Jenny in her room and I just went back in the living room decided to watch Haters Back Off and then I heard footsteps coming at the door and I picked up my baseball bat and a gun and I looked through the little thing where you can see who is at the door it was Bam the insane clown and he's knocking on the door I knew it I knew someone was following me and I am really scared I can't scream because of doctors orders and I need to text Nat now before he breaks in and he might hurt me or worse he might hurt Jenny and he's knocking like a mad person he's beating the door and I tried to hide in Jenny's room and I tried to keep Jenny quiet and I heard him he broke the door down and Nat gotten my text he says he's on his way right now and I just stayed in Jenny's room and I could hear him what he's saying & it's Bam the insane clown.

"I know your in here little girl and I can sense it." said Bam "Come out, come out where ever you are I just wanna have some fun making animal balloons for you and paint your face and show some magic tricks and entertain you."

I am just so scared right now I texted Nat to get here I was shaking so much I am scared what he is gonna do to me and Idk if he will hit me, sell me for who knows what and who knows what he can do I am just so scared that he might be walking in and I don't want Jenny seeing all this and all the sudden I see his shadow through Jenny's door in her room and my heart started beating fast and I was and all I could do is lock the door and find stuff to block that door but it wasn't helping he busted through the door.

"I knew you couldn't hide from me all I wanted was to play and have some fun." said Bam "I have a little surprise for you little girl I got something that you would like and I here are some flowers for you sweetie." 

*As the flowers turned out to be smoke that makes her fall asleep and he just drags her and he got out of the apartment with Jenny all alone in her crib and he puts Harley in the back of his mini van and drove off he took her to an abounded house it's a bit huge and it's like really old nobody lived in it for years.*

~Nat's POV~

So we just got back to the apartment some of the stuff got destroyed all I can hear was Jenny crying so John went to go check on Jenny and Harley was nowhere to be found in this apartment this is all my fault I should had never left her and Jenny alone why does bad things happen to my wife and I don't even know where Harley is so I called the police.

*The police came*

"Hey Mr. Wolff how r u?" said The Cop

"Worried about my wife." I said

"So how did all this happened." said The Cop

"Well me & John were out picking up lunch Harley couldn't talk at all bc of doctors orders and what happened was she texted me saying there is Bam the insane clown and so we rushed back and gotten more text from her when we got here some of our things have gotten destroyed and Jenny was crying when we got here and I couldn't find her and I looked at every room & I am scared he's gonna do something to her I just want my wife home and she can't even talk right now." I said as I about to tear up

"Mr. Wolff were gonna do our best we are gonna track him down and we know who he is he has been a dangerous clown he can do all kinds of things and it can be bad so were gonna look for her and we know he's somewhere in a place that is abounded cause that's where he keeps his victims and were gonna try hard to find her and make sure she's safe what were all gonna do is be out late until we find her does it sound good?" said The Cop 

"Yeah I am gonna do what it takes to find my wife cause I can't lose my wife she's already lost her mother and I don't want her to be next and I am gonna hurt that clown for ever kidnapping her." I said

"Now calm down Mr. Wolff I'm sure she's okay." said The Cop "I am gonna take care of him and I can get the swat team and were gonna take care of him when we find him." 

"Yes sir." I said "JOHN"

"Yeah." said John

"Can you stay with Jenny while I go out looking for Harley." I said

"No problem bro & I called Aunt Sierra to come over she's gonna help me with Jenny and be careful bro." said John

"Will do bro." I said as I walked out the apartment with the police 

So I went in my car and followed the cop and we looking at abounded houses on where he might be staying and were gonna keep looking idc if it's early in the morning I just do anything to rescue my wife and I am not gonna let that clown mess with me or my wife or my family and I dare him to puts his hands on my wife cause I will beat the crap out of him I'll make sure he gets locked up for good and never escapes like Chad did.

To be continued....................

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