Chapter 17: Those Days In Life

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~John's POV~

So I am in Tennessee with Harley, Nat, Jenny & Aunt Sierra and I am gonna put job on hold until the whole Chad problem wears off so were staying here in Tennessee for awhile until they notify us that he is back in jail I just don't understand why Chad is after us he's always been that way when Harley dated him & I don't ever want him laying a hand on my niece cause if he ever tried to I will hurt him & I wanted to hurt him for when he was abusing my sister and I called the restaurant telling them I wasn't gonna be able to come for the interview and it's a good thing they understand & they said their gonna keep it on hold for me until everything calms down & I actually enjoying Tennessee so far it's beautiful & the cabin is nice & were gonna make this safety trip fun for my niece like we can still do stuff we just gotta be careful cause since my brother-in-law Nat is very well known for his movies & music so were gonna wear hoodies cause some people know us cause where part of his family by marriage and I am so blessed that Aunt Sierra still talks to me & Harley so me & Sierra are having some talks while we look after Jenny cause Harley & Nat are out at the store picking up a few things.

"So have you and Harley ever heard from your Dad?" said Sierra

"Not a thing we haven't heard from Dad in a year." I said

"Well I am sorry for what my brother did & I tried to call him but he keeps changing his number I heard from him a few months ago." said Sierra

"Oh really has he ever asked about us?" I said

"Yeah he has asked about us & I even told him about Jenny." said Sierra

"Oh what did he say when you told him those things?" I said 

"Well all he said was oh ok & it was the last time I ever heard from him." said Sierra

"Do you know where he is now?" I said

"Well all I know is that he still lives in Miami & he's also re-married." said Sierra

"Wow I think it's funny that he told you that he's missed out on me & Harley's life and I just don't understand why he abounded me & Harley like what did we ever do to make him leave?" I said 

"You guys didn't do anything he's the one who made that decision & you two aren't the 1st ones that got abonded he has other children he abonded his first it was before you guys even exsisted & I was not happy with him believe me I'm disgusted with him he didn't want children cause he can't do what he wanted to do & thats why he abonded you guys." said Sierra

"Wow I can't believe he didn't want us & I don't know we can tell Harley cause she's already been through enough cause of her mental illness." I said

"Whoa wait wait wait." said Sierra "When did it happened?"

"Well she has been depressed since Mom died & when Dad disappeared she's been having problems & the doctors have been trying to help her & that one time she got sent to the asylum a year ago." I said

"Wait what did she do to go to the asylum?" said Sierra 

"Well what happened was Nat & Harley was at the apartment that we use to live in that was before they got engaged & Nat was in the bathroom & Chad came into the apartment that day & I wasn't home at that time so he walked in the apartment & he started laying a hand on her & Nat tried to stop him & Chad kinda pushed Harley & she hit her head on something she was uncouniscus & Nat called 911 & he called me & they took her to the hospital to get her stabilized & we waited for hours for Harley to wake up & it was a few mins she woke up her head was hurting at the time & Nat started talking to her & she couldn't remember us and she started having mental break downs she was just screaming & the doctors made us leave & they had no choice but to give her a shot to put her to sleep and that was when she got sent to the asylum for 4 weeks." I said

"Wow I never knew Chad would take it too far I never liked that jerk." said Sierra

"And not to mention he escaped again & went to Central Park & he shot her & it makes me angry I wanted to jump at thin & hurt him & punch him in the face." I said 

"Well just remember that was a year ago just remember you guys are gonna be okay & you guys are only gonna be here for awhile until Chad is back in jail." said Sierra

*A few mins later Nat & Harley came back*

"Hey how was Jenny going while we was gone?" said Nat

"She did good she had napped for an hour and I fed her and she played for a little." said Sierra

*Nat picks up Jenny*

"Hey baby girl have you had fun with Aunt Sierra & Uncle John." said Nat as he holds Jenny "You see Mama you wanna see Mama?"

*Nat hand her the baby*

"Hey Jenny what's Mommy's little girl doing?" said Harley as she gives Jenny kisses on the face "Did you have fun with Aunt Sierra & Uncle John cause I heard you been a good baby"

*Jenny smiles*

"Do I see that pretty little smile?" said Nat  "Are you Daddy's pretty girl? I think your a Daddy's girl."

*As the hours went by it was getting that time for bed Sierra & John went to their rooms & Jenny was already asleep*

~Nat's POV~

So me & Harley are all ready for bed but were not tired yet & it's all quiet and were just watching Tv we watched another episode of The Big Bang Theory & I kinda wanna have a lot of time with Harley & she is just so beautiful & I am glad to have her as my wife I will always protect her & Jenny and I will fall in love with Harley everyday I love being able to see Harley waking up next too me & she's still awake & she's so beautiful I would do anything to protect Harley & Jenny and I am just so blessed that God gave us Jenny in our lives & I can't wait for many years and me & Harley have talked about trying to have another baby but were gonna wait till Jenny is 4 and then we can try to have another baby.

"Hey babe can I ask you something?" I said

"Yeah sure ask me anything." said Harley as she turns to me

"Well remember when we talked about having another baby? You know once Jenny is 4 years old." I said

"Yeah what about it?" said Harley

"Are you sure we should try to have another baby? Once Jenny's 4." I said

"Yes." said Harley as she scoots over to me and cuddles with me

"Okay babe I love you." I said wrapping my arms around her

"I love you too." said Harley as she lays her head on my chest

*So they made out about 70 minuets and finally fell asleep*

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