Chapter 21: Night In The Hospital

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~Nat's POV~

So it is 9:00 pm and she is asleep and Aunt Sierra is gonna stay over at the apartment for tonight to help John with Jenny and I really hate that Jenny is going through this seeing Harley going through the mental illness but she's almost 2 months old & I just hate seeing Harley depressed I am never leaving her side I support her in every way I just hate seeing her in the hospital bed getting hooked up onto the machines & having an iv needle through her skin I hate seeing her through all that but I'm happy she's still alive and well and she's gonna do a lot better were all gonna help her through her mental illness & I am just so glad that Harley aint going back to the asylum cause I remember how bad it was when she was in the asylum I was heart broken when she didn't remember me that day & the day I was still living with Alex I was listening to the song Watching For Comets by Skillet and I remember that nightmare where Chad had shot & killed her & then tried to kill me but thank goodness it was just a dream and that was when John invited me over that night. So I was getting hungry a bit so I went to the vending machine cause I don't feel like going to the cafeteria so I decided to just get a bag of chips & a bottled water & then I see John Cooper from Skillet & then saw me & came towards me to talk to me.

"Hey man what's been up with you?" said John C.

"None just here cause my wife is here for tonight." I said

"Is everything okay? Cause I haven't heard from her & I saw her tweets about being depressed." said John C.

"Well we was in Tennessee awhile back cause her ex-boyfriend was after her cause he was on the loose cause he was arrested for assaulting Harley & we stayed there for a week and Harley was curious about her Dad on why he abandoned her & John and when she found out she was really depressed she would not come out of the bed room & she stopped eating for a week and she was throwing up, her skin was pale, and she was having lack of energy & she had loss of muscle cause when ever she picks up Jenny or something it hurts her & she about almost blacked out." I said

"Oh my gosh what about their Mom?" said John C.

"Their Mom is dead she died a year ago that was before I met Harley." I said "And the real reason why their Dad abandoned them cause he didn't want anything to do with them & he didn't want to be part of their lives."

"Wow is Harley okay?" said John C.

"She's okay they gotten her stabilized & she's just getting some rest right now." I said

"I'll be praying for y'all & where is her brother?" said John C.

"He went home & Jenny is at home also Aunt Sierra came to our place before the ambulance came so she is gonna watch Jenny for us & I feel so bad that Jenny hasn't been having connections with Harley and Harley just feels so bad about not being able to spend time with Jenny cause she was so depressed." I said

"How old is she?" said John C.

"She is a month old." I said "But Harley is gonna be alright I just often worry about her I hate seeing her go through pain that was killing inside her & I just hate seeing her doing this to herself." I said

"Have y'all thought about taking her to a counselor?" said John C.

"Well me & her brother talked about it but were not sure if she's gonna do it." I said

"Have y'all tried?" said John C.

"Not really cause I know she's gonna refuse to go." I said

"Well you just gotta convince her thats the only way to solve the problems." said John C.

"Your probably right I am gonna try to talk about this with John & Aunt Sierra cause we all need to get her to agree to do it." I said

"I think it's the best thing to do buddy." said John C. "Well anyways I better get going cause I gotta check on Korey she broke her hand so I will see ya sometime and take care." 

"Okay thanks for the advice." I said as I began to walk back to the room.

So John C. went back to his wife & now I am back into the room she was still sleeping and I just ate my snacks & just checked some stuff on my phone I checked on Instagram & I took a pic of Harley and captioned "I am so glad she's doing okay & I am so blessed to have her as my wife & being a mother to our beautiful daughter I love you so much baby forever & always." as soon as I posted it I gotten so many supportive fans and I then started listening to music on my phone and Harley starts to wake up.

"Hey baby you feeling okay?" I said 

"Yeah just was really tired." said Harley

"I know babe & I saw John Cooper earlier." I said

"Really." said Harley

"Yeah we chatted for a few mins & he had to go check on Korey cause she broke her hand."I said 

"Oh ok & where's Jenny?" said Harley

"She's back at home Aunt Sierra is staying over there to help John." I said

*Harley has a tear coming on her face*

"Babe whats wrong?" I said 

"I just feel like I haven't been a good Mom lately I haven't held Jenny in days & haven't been around her much." said Harley as she begins to cry

"Baby your not a bad mother your a good mother & that would never change that Jenny loves you a lot & she doesn't really understand whats going on & listen to me babe Jenny will always love you & we all care about you and your gonna be alble to have her with you & your gonna be discharged in the morning & you can get to be with Jenny before you have to nap cause the doctor says you have to take a nap every 2 hours." I said as I hold her hands comforting Harley "Everything is gonna be okay babe."

"I wish I could believe that." said Harley

"I promise babe and I know bad things have been happening but its gonna be okay babe." I said as I held her hands

*As the minuets went by she went back to sleep & Nat fell asleep also*

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