Chapter 19: All Around Me

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~Harley's POV~

So after what I heard about the truth on why my Dad left I gotten really depressed & still am but I am trying not to be cause Nat hates to see me go through this much pain inside me & I just don't know what to do now that I know the truth about my Dad on why he left me & John behind so all this sadness just comes all around me but I am gonna try to stay strong for Nat, Jenny, John and everyone who cares about me now that I know the truth about Dad I need to move on & John is hurt by what he knew about Dad but were always there for each other and after Mom died I started getting depressed and I would go cry myself to sleep that was before we decided to move to New York and part of me wish I never got curious about why Dad left me & John behind but it's whatever I need to just forget about it & move on and focus on the good things that's all around me so today Nat & I decided to take a car ride around Tennessee & we just explored around this area so we can have our time together just the 2 of us & John and Aunt Sierra are gonna watch Jenny we looked at mountains & it was amazing & we saw old cabins & a lot of deers & it was just beautiful & Nat kinda enjoyed it I still feel a little down at the time but I'm staying strong for him, Jenny & John and everyone so we just walked around the places & just held hands the whole time & Nat just likes to see me enjoy myself and it's very peaceful & romantic.

"It's very beautiful out here." I said walking with him

"Not as beautiful as you babe." said Nat

"I love you baby." I said wrapping my arms around him

"I love you too." said Nat as he kissed my lips

"Its really nice out here." I said 

"You okay babe?" said Nat

"Yeah I'm okay i'm just tired." I said 

"You wanna go back to the cabin?" said Nat 

"I little later I just want to get some fresh air." I said

So we continued to explore more around Tennessee and just enjoying the views and after about an hour we decided to go back to the cabin so we got in the car we rented for us to drive cause we don't have our car with us cause it's back home in New York and were gonna return it when it time to go back home once were notified that Chad has been arrested but so far it he hasn't got caught yet. Sooner we finally got back to our cabin & Jenny was sitting on the couch with John she really loves her Uncle John and Aunt Sierra was just fixing lunch of course I'm not sure if I wanna eat today so it's I don't know what I wanna do at the moment.

"Hey guys how was your guys alone time." said Sierra

"Yeah it was beautiful & it was just peaceful." I said

"I made lunch for everyone if y'all are hungry." said Sierra

"I think I'm gonna eat later i'm gonna go upstairs and rest for a little." I said

"Are you sure babe?" said Nat

"Im sure I promise i'll eat just not right now." I said as I headed upstairs

~Nat's POV~

I am worried about Harley like she barley eats a lot she stayed upstairs most of the day & I think she's still depressed but I am still there for her no matter what & not only that I am keeping her strong for Jenny's sake and for the family & I know it's hard for her knowing the truth about her Dad & the fact that Chad is on the lose looking for us but thank goodness where safe here in the cabin & so far no fan has spotted me well idk but at least it won't give away the location cause Chad would sneak in the plane and come here to hurt us & I don't want him hurting my wife & my daughter he is not gonna hurt anyone I have in my life if he's gonna try & hurt my wife & my daughter me & John would have a problem me & John are gonna do whatever it takes to keep them safe so I am gonna eat in the room with Harley again & this time I am brining Jenny up.

"Do you see Mommy?" I said as I sat Jenny on the bed

"Hey pumpkin." said Harley as she sits up "Whats Mommy's pretty girl doing did Daddy bring you so you can see me?"

"Have you been doing okay babe?" I said "Its okay if your still depressed and just remember we had this talk."

"But i'm just hurt the fact I know the truth about my Dad & I just don't know how I feel at the moment & I just don't know right now babe." said Harley as she laid down on the bed

"Babe everything is gonna be okay just remember I love you & John loves you and he's lucky to have you as his sister & Jenny loves you like crazy and even my co-stars they care about you they always care about you & we been there for you the moment we got together & you just remember babe I am on your side." I said as I held her hand

"I know babe." said Harley as she starts crying

"Babe come here." I said as she laid her head on my chest and starts crying "Its gonna be okay were gonna help you through it."

"I'm just scared." said Harley as she continues to cry on my chest

"What are you scared of?" I said as I ran my fingers through her hair

"I'm scared that I would get hurt again." said Harley

"Babe I would never do that I am not that kind of guy just look at us we been married for a year & now we have a daughter." I said 

"I know but I am just scared that Chad will never leave me alone." said Harley as she wipes her tears 

"Babe I promise everything is gonna be okay just don't think about it okay?" I said 

"Okay baby I love you." said Harley 

"I love you too." I said as I kissed her on the lips

So after another talk about it Jenny already fell asleep so were just gonna take a nap & Harley was really tired & I decided to take a nap as well so I putted Jenny in the middle & I kissed Harley's forehead & kissed Jenny's forehead as well & fell asleep.

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