Chapter 4: It's A......

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*As time went by Harley is now 18 weeks pregnant*

~Harley's POV~

So today me & Nat are gonna find out the sex of the baby I am 18 weeks I'm in my second trimester & my feet are swollen like crazy & my back was killing me it's one of the struggles of being pregnant so I am wearing jeans maternity jeans since I can't wear jeans since I have a baby bump this is hard being pregnant but it's gonna be worth it once he/she comes into this world me & Nat are excited to find out the gender boy or girl it doesn't matter as long as the baby is healthy & later after we find out the gender of the baby were gonna invite our friends & I haven't told John yet cause I wanna surprise my little bro when we get back and we wanna invite our friends to reveal the gender cause it's so amazing having them part of our lives so it's just gonna be Alex, Shaliene, Halston, Jaz, Justice, & Ansel I texted everyone it will be at lunch time cause we gotta set up everything after we find out the gender & I can't wait for another ultrasound to see how Baby Wolffie is growing the reason we call the baby Baby Wolffie cause I remember watching 19 Kids & Counting where Jill & her husband call them Baby Dilly cause their last name is Dillard yes I watch The Duggars I love their show & I love the show Jill & Jessa: Counting On so me & Nat are about ready and headed out the door.

"So you ready to find out what were having?" said Nat as he held my hand

"Yeah im so excited to find out if it's gonna be a boy or a girl." I said 

"You wanna listen to some music babe?" said Nat

"Yeah." I said

"What do you wanna listen to today babe?" said Nat

"Put on Rot by Lacey Sturm." I said feeling my pregnant belly

So I am listening to Lacey Sturm & man rock music makes the baby kick I think he/she is gonna love rock music like me cause I love rock music so Nat is just driving the car & the song is just playing still & we are just about a few mins away from getting to the place to get my sonogram & this journey is just so great expecting our first child and now where gonna find out the gender. 

*They finally got to the place & signed in & waited for 30 mins*

"Harley Wolff." said the Nurse

*Harley & Nat both got up*

So we got up went to the room the nurse told us to wait for a few mins till the doctor comes in I am so impaintent I am so excited to find out the gender so Nat just sat next to me holding my hand & just checking to see whats going on social media & we just waited paintently for her to get here.

"Hello there." said the doctor 

"Hey." Me & Nat said at the same time

"So you guys ready to see what the gender is?" said the doctor

"Me & my husband been ready for this." I said as I got up

So I got up & they set up the ultrasound & I can see Baby Wolffie's face & we saw the face & every thing & then we finally got the gender.

"Congratulations Mr. & Mrs. Wolff it's a girl."

"Oh my gosh babe it's our Jenny." I said as I cried tears of happiness

"I know babe where gonna have a daughter." said Nat as he kissed me

"Well again congrats we will call for the next appointment." said the Doctor as she starts to leave the room

"Thanks so much." said Nat

"I can't believe this babe it's a girl." I said as me & Nat started hugging

"I know babe I can't be any happier & let's go to the store so we can get the gender reveal set up before everyone gets there." I said

So we went to the grocery store picked up pink cake batter we decided to get white frosting and some blue & pink frosting for the cake we picked up some easy to make we decided to do fruits & some sandwiches & we did pick up some candy melts & some chocolate bars to make chocolate covered pretzel sticks & some blue & pink sprinkles & we picked up some chocolate chip cookies & I have had craving so we picked up chips like cheetos & other kinds of potato chips & we are gonna have blue & pink lemonade so we picked up pink lemonade & regular and blue food coloring we just about bought a lot of things for the gender reveal. We finally finished shopping we checked out & got everything paid & headed back to the car & got everything in the car & now we headed back man my feet are killing me & my back just hurts I am so glad were heading back home cause I need to rest before I start baking & getting everything set up John is gonna help me & Nat out. We finally got home & got all the things in the kitchen before I get everything done I just rested for a few mins & then got up baking the cake & John is gonna be to busy helping Nat set up everything else so John won't see the batter cause he's not gonna know the gender until its time cause he's gonna wait like everyone else so the cake was done I started already putting layers of half blue & half pink & made the chocolate covered pretzels & Nat stetted up a bowl of chips & I gotten everything ready & a few mins later we finally finished & we just sat down for a few minuets & after that we got dressed & ready for it and at 2:30 everyone came.

"Hey guys so glad you get to came." I said as I gave everyone a hug

"So whats the gender we like to know?" said Halston with exciment

"Yeah we have been waiting for this all day." said Jaz

"Okay the answer here is in this cake & I am gonna cut a piece & the batter is colored ok so I'm gonna cut the cake & y'all will find out." I said as I started cutting the cake

*Everyone watches & they all there goes reaction*

"ITS A GIRL." said Shaliene

"Omg y'all are having a girl were gonna have a niece John." said Alex

"OMG sis I am so excited about this." said John as he gave me a bug

"Congrats man." said Justice

"Congrats Harley & Nat on having a baby girl." said Ansel

"Thanks man." said Nat as he gave him a hug

"Omg Harley your gonna have a little girl." said Jaz as she gave me a hug as well 

So everyone was done giving me a hug & everyone just ate & the guys were just talking & us girls are just having baby girl talks I can't wait in a few months till our Jenny gets here & I can't wait for the move so I can decorate Jen's room so we all just hung around after revealing the gender we are so blessed to have these people that their supporting us & their gonna be their for us when little Jenny gets here & I can't wait till this day when I have my baby shower where Jenny is gonna be spoiled I told them they didn't have to do that but Jaz, Shaliene & Halston already gonna plan the baby shower & Jenny is just been kicking a lot but its an amazing feeling that Jenny is moving I me & Nat can't wait to see her beautiful face & John & Alex are excited to be Uncles & everyone is just excited. Sooner everyone went home & Nat & John cleaned up afterwards & I just putted up the leftover foods & after that John already went to bed & then Nat & I we gotten in our sleepwear & we got in the bed.

"Wow babe it was a pretty long day I am so tired my back is killing me & my feet are just swollen like crazy." I said as I laid back in the bed

"I'm pretty tired too babe." said Nat as he puts his hand on my belly "Wow she's moving around babe."

"Yeah she often kicks I am just ready for Jenny to come into this world babe." I said as I feel my belly

"I can't wait to see her face babe." said Nat 

*They finally went to sleep Harley has trouble sleeping but she sleeps really heavy though but they just can't wait for Jenny to come to the world.*

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