Chapter 9: Going Home

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~Harley's POV~

So today me & Nat got to take Jenny home with us & this is gonna be very different now that Jenny is with us so I put on the Skillet onsie that John C. gave me & Nat & it looks so cute on her & yes Jenny will be a future Panhead cause she get's it from me & her Unlce John & Nat adores Jenny he loves to bond with her & I take pictures & post on on instagram cause I love them to pieces & Nat has been doing really good taking care of Jenny while I was resting and cause after the hours of labor I gotten hours of sleep & I am so blessed to be Jenny's Mommy & John is gonna pick us up from the hospital so I changed into shorts, & wearing a white v-neck shirt putted on my converse  & putted hair up in a bun & a little bit of make up cause we have Halston, Justice, Ansel & Alex coming over to see Jenny cause they haven't gotten to & John loves Jenny to pieces he's gonna spoil her I can tell he's gonna be spoiling her but he's a great Uncle though & he also agree that he's gonna help me & Nat after the baby even if it involves staying up late half the time but he agreed to he says he don't mind helping at all so Nat is packing up the rest of our stuff & I'm just packing the diaper bag & Nat had put Jenny in her carseat & we left the room & Nat signed me out & we headed to the car & got Jenny in the middle & got her buckeled in & we are ready to go & we stopped at In-N-Out to get us some lunch after that nasty food from the hospital food I just needed some real food & I gotten a burger cause we just won't feel like cooking lunch. Sooner we finally got home.

"Home sweet home." said Nat 

"Yeah now we can be back in our own bed." I said 

"Babe you did really good with the birth I'm very proud of you." said Nat

"Thanks babe I love you." I said

"I love you too beautiful." said Nat as he kissed me

"I think someone needs a diaper change." I said as I took her out of the carseat

"I'll change her babe you just sit down & relax." said Nat as he grabs Jenny

"Okay & remember we gotta take her to her 1st doctors appointment tomorrow so we gotta but up by 8:00." I said

"Okay babe I stetted my alarm on my phone." said Nat as he changes Jenny's diaper "There we go little princess you peed quite a lot today & guess what we got some people who wanna meet you later."

"Hey John you wanna come with me & Nat for Jenny's doctors appointment?" I said

"Sure I can sure spend quality time with my niece." said John

*Jenny starts crying*

"Looks like somebody is hungry." I said as I took out the bottle 

*Nat takes the bottle & feeds her & Jenny finished the whole bottle & Harley just sits & watches Nat being cute*

"Your so cute when your feeding Jenny babe." I said 

"I know babe & it feels so weird were home this time with the baby." said Nat

"I need a picture of this." I said taking my phone out and snaping a pic of them two

-Posting it on instagram-

Caption: I love these two there the loves of my life & I can't imagine my life without these two I love you baby & my beautiful daughter Jenny #MommysLittlePrincess.


*Visitors came*

"Hey everybody." said Ansel "Oh look at this little princess she is just beautify."

"Thank you she's a good baby she's already a Daddy's girl." I said

"Wow she looks a bit like Nat here." said Justice

"Yeah but either way she is just beautiful Harley." said Halston

"Awww is that my beautiful niece." said Alex 

"Here bro you can hold her." said Nat handing Jenny to Alex

*So Alex got to hold Jenny & so did the rest & they were so happy to see the baby & they hung around for about an hour & and 4 minuets later they went home & John already went to sleep*

"Guess someone is already asleep." I said as I started yawning

To be continued........

What I Believe -(Sequel to The Lives Of Harley and John BlakeWhere stories live. Discover now