Chapter 22: Being Home

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~Harley's POV~

So I am already home & I got to spend a lot of time with my daughter & Nat is just taking pics of me & Jenny which I don't mind him doing it cause I love that he takes pics & post it on social media cause he's not afraid to see how great having Jenny in our lives is Jenny is the best thing thats ever happened to me & Nat she's growing like everyday she's gonna be 2 months soon she is looking a bit like me but in some facial expressions Jenny looks like Nat but I been to take my nap just right after I got home from the hospital & Shailene is gonna come over & Hang with us today.

"Is Daddy taking pics?" I said "I love you baby girl"

*John gets ready to head out to run errands*

"Hey sis I am gonna be our running errands for awhile so I will be back in a few." said John

"Okay text me to know your safe." I said

"Okay love ya." said John as he walks out the door

"Love you too bubs." I said

*Harley tickels Jenny & then Jenny smiles*

"I see that smile is Mommy tickling you? Are you ticklish?" said Nat as he gives Jenny kisses on the cheeks

"Is Daddy giving you kisses?" I said and then smells something "Looks like someone needs to have a new diaper"

"Hey babe I am gonna pick up some pizza & I will be right back." said Nat as he got up took his keys & wallet and walks to the door

"Okay babe I love you."

*Harley gets up takes Jenny to her room and changes her diaper & Jenny starts crying cause Nat aint home right now*

"Daddy is gonna be right back but Aunt Shailene is gonna be coming over to see us uh huh you love your Aunt Shailene don't you & she said she's gotten a surprise for you when she gets here." I said as I played with her

*Hears a knock on the door & Harley gets up & opens the door & it was Shailene*

"Hey Harley." said Shaileine as she gives me a hug

"Hey how have you been doing?" I said

"I been doing good & where's Nat?" said Shailene

"He's picking up pizza & my brother is out running errands." I said

"Do I see Jenny my gosh she's growing." said Shaliene as she sits on the floor with Jenny "Hi pretty girl & Aunt Shailene got something for you."

*Pulls out the oufit for thanksgiving thats coming up next week*

"Look at that your first thanksgiving oufit Jenny she got it just for you." I said "I love it it looks so cute."

"Yeah I bought it of Etsy." said Shailene

"Thats where I got most of the stuff for Jenny." I said

*They just hung around*

*Meanwhile while John is out & about*

~John's POV~

So I just went to the store & I still been putting a job on hold cause of my sister's problem cause I always wanna be there for my sister and help Nat out & I had to help them out with Jenny & I am just walking around places I stopped at Starbucks to get me some coffee & before I could get my coffee I all the sudden accidentally bumped into someone.

"I am so so sorry." says a girl with a familiar voice

"No it was my fault." I said and then I see who it is "Your Camren Bicondova"

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