Chapter 16: Off To Tennessee

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~Nat's POV~

So were on the plane everyone is asleep except me & the pilot of course it be dangerous but we are almost there in Tennessee were probably gonna be there for awhile just until we get notified that Chad has been caught again cause he is Orlando & New York's most wanted & the he was on New York news to let everyone know if they see him call the police & send him back to Orlando and get locked up for good & never escapes again so I am just looking outside the window & it looks nice up close I traveled in a plane a couple times before considered I am a actor/musician but the Paparazzi hasn't been bothering me lately which is good I can at least get some privacy for once and getting to live like a regular person I haven't done movies & music in a year cause since I got married & had a daughter I haven't did much of hollywood stuff anymore I'm not gonna lie I kinda miss performing & acting but at the same time I rather be with my wife and daughter cause they are the best things they ever happened to me & I got to be home with my little girl & I still write songs from time to time & maybe perform every once in awhile and I love being able to be home with my wife & daughter and enjoying getting some guy time with John from time to time & Jenny woke up & she got hungry so I gave her a bottle that got made before we left & I fed her & she just was waking up she had a good nap & then Harley woke up.

"Hey baby you had a nice nap?" I said as I keep feeding Jenny

"Yeah its been a long day packing but it was worth keeping us safe." said Harley

"Yeah I don't want that jerk laying a hand on Jenny cause he doesn't wanna see my side nobody hurts you, Jenny or John" I said

"Yeah he aint gonna lay a hand on us." said Harley 

*So a few hours went by they finally landed & their Aunt Sierra picked them up in a van in a few mins later they finally got to the cabin*

"Wow this place is amazing." said John as he walks in

"I know bubs this place is nice." said Harley 

"So we have 3 rooms so Nat & Harley can take the one upstairs, John you can have the one downstairs & I am also gonna be next door to you John & I am gonna make us dinner so y'all just get settled in." said Aunt Sierra

*So everyone went to their rooms*

~Harley's POV~ 

So me & Nat had set up Jenny's play pin for her to sleep in & hang in so we can unpack our stuff to put all of our things up that way it doesn't look a mess cause I am a neat freak so Aunt Sierra is Dad's sister she would call us from time to time to see how were doing & she's one of the best people we known our whole life & it was her first time meeting Jenny cause we never gotten to see Aunt Sierra for a year since me & John moved to New York and it was so nice of Aunt Sierra to pay for the cabin & helping us be safe from Chad being Orlando & New York's most wanted criminal & he has always been cruel to me & he would get angry and hit me but I just hope he doesn't come to bother me.

This chapter is a little short but I added a new cast so Dylan Sprouse as Chad Carson & Emily VanCamp as Sierra Blake.

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