Chapter 38: Clown Terror

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~Harley's POV~

The noise coming from outside.

So I woke up in a empty room it was covered in spider webs, there is broken glass in windows and a big whole in the walls and it's a about dark outside and I am in abounded house it looks like nobody lived in this house in thousand years and I am so scared good thing I have my phone and I texted Nat where I am and I try hiding my phone from Bam so he doesn't take it so I putted it back in my pocket where he can't see it and I looked out the door and I don't see him anywhere but I am trying to find a way to escape from this terror all I could hear is thunder, wolves howling , lighting, and then I walked out of the empty room and trying to sneak out without him seeing me & all the sudden I hear scary circus music and it was creepy I hate clowns so much they are so creepy.

So as the music was playing all he's doing is planning on the next victim as I overhear him talking to himself that he was gonna do something dangerous to me which got me freaked out and I tried to make sure I made it safe out there so I can meet Nat up and get the police to arrest him and the floor made a sound and he turned around and saw me.

"Where do you think your going little girl?" said Bam

*As Harley tried to run for her life she is now having her chance to escape as the creepy clown music keeps playing she ran as much as she could trying to hide and find another way out of that house and tries to make sure she escapes from Bam.*

"Come out, come out where ever you are I just wanna have some fun cause I got balloons and smell my flowers and all but I guess I will have to give you something for you to obey me." said Bam "I know your in this house around here and I will find you and I got something fun for you."

*As Harley found a window where she can get out she finds a long piece of wood and old dresser that looks really old and she found some old objects to block the door and she finds a old hammer to break the window to escape as she took the hammer and breaks the glass and then Bam starts banging the door and gets angry.*

"YOU BETTER OPEN THE DANG DOOR LITTLE GIRL OR I WILL HURT YOU." said Bam as he bangs the door and yells

So as Bam was yelling I can finally get out of here and now this was my chance to run before he hits the front or the window and I texted Nat that I escaped from the house and he replied with okay I got the police and so I ran as fast as I could and I was getting far from him and he starts coming out of the place and starts running after me and I was just running and running and then I saw Nat.

"HARLEY." said Nat

*She runs into his arms and shaking*

"Are you okay baby?" said Nat

*Harley nooded*

*Bam comes near*

"Put your hands up we have you surrounded." said The Cop

"Come on dude I was wanting to have some fun with her." said Bam

"Tell it to the judge and besides you wanted to hurt her dude she was gonna be your next dead person so stay where you at." said The Cop

As the cops cuffed him and I was still scared and terrified of what happened to me I am so scared what else is gonna happen to me. So I got into the car & Nat was driving as I was seeing Bam in the police car.

"I WILL GET YOU NEXT TIME." said Bam as he is getting into the police car

"I hope your doing okay Mrs. Wolff and don't worry Mr & Mrs. Wolff well make sure he doesn't bother anyone again and he will be locked up for a long time." said The Cop

~Nat's POV~

So the clown is finally being taken back to jail and Harley was still shaking and I don't blame her and I just hate seeing her going through stuff like this cause it's bad enough she aint gonna talk before Christmas but she's safe and it's all it matters.

*As they got home they were tired after a long terror Harley was finally back home with her family and she just changed into her sleeping cloths and she just was scared to sleep so Nat was just in his Pj bottoms everyone was already asleep so Nat just got into bed with her and just cuddled with her and she was still shaking so bad she got really scared.*

I feel so bad for Harley that she's shaking so much she can't even sleep and I don't blame her and I wanna help her get her mind off the clowns and all that stuff that's been happening but I am always gonna be there for her no matter what looking at her hurting inside hurts me more and I can't see Harley doing this to herself I am gonna do whatever it takes to keep this family safe especially Jenny we don't wanna put Jenny in danger I am gonna give up acting and music to be with my family and idc if no one remembers me anymore my family is more important than fame I rather just not be famous anymore I don't wanna leave my family's sight and I am gonna make a youtube video to say goodbye to hollywood tomorrow.

To be continued............

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