Chapter 15: Back To Reality

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*As the week went by Harley is all better and doesn't have the flu & now Harley is on her laptop taking classes*

~Harley's POV~

I am finally over my flu & now I am on my laptop taking classes for awhile & I have a lot of catching up cause I been missing school cause I had Jenny & not only that we moved to another apartment a few days ago & I was sick for a whole week & I am so behind on a lot of my work so I am on the counter just working on my assignments & John is trying to apply a job at Five Leaves it's a restaurant in Brooklyn, Ny he is only working there temporay just to save money to open up his Dj business & Nat is in the living room putting Jenny down for a nap & I gotten to hold her since I'm over the flu & man I been online for hours getting all my assignments done & I am so overwhelmed with all this that I just wanna cry but I don't give up so I am studying about the organs & everything on how nurses have to do & once I finished school I am gonna apply a job at a nursing home cause I like to work at one cause I like to take care of elderly & I am glad this online school thing worked that way if I need a break I can just be with my hubby and my daughter & It was already 30 mins & I already finished my assignments & now I can have the time off early & gotten to spend some alone time with Nat while Jenny is still taking a nap.

"So now that your all catched up with your school work how about a little make out session cause we have the living room to ourselves." said Nat as he scoots over to me on the couch 

"Well I guess we can make out a little bit." I said wrapping my arms around Nat & we started making out

Man he is such a good kisser & I could do it forever if I wanted to & we just made out more and more & I just couldn't stop I wanted to keep kissing him more & more this is a great way to start how I finished my assignments and it's a great way to start & I hear my phone dining then me & Nat stopped kissing then I picked up my phone it was my Aunt Sierra.

"Hey it's my Aunt Sierra should I call her back later?" I said

"You need to talk to your Aunt you two hardly talk anymore." said Nat as he smiled at me "And we can still make out some more when your done talking on the phone."

"Okay." I said as I pressed answer

-On The Phone-

"Hey Aunt Sierra how you been doing?" I said

"Im doing good how's John?" said Aunt Sierra 

"He's doing good he's applying for a job right now." I said

"How is your husband & Jenny?" said Aunt Sierra 

"Nat is with me & Jenny is taking a nap." I said

"Well I called to tell you the bad news." said Aunt Sierra

"Whats wrong did something bad happen in the family." I said as I begin to sound worried

"Its about Chad." said Aunt Sierra

"What about Chad?" I said as I begin to freak out

"He has escaped from jail & he snuck into the airport & he snuck in the plane & the news said that he took the plane too New York." said Aunt Sierra

"Oh my gosh are you serious?" I said

"Yeah & he said in a security camera that he is after you & Jenny." said Aunt Sierra 

"What should I do?" I said as I began to freak out even more

"I think that you, John, Nat & Jenny need to stay with me in Gatlinberg, Tennessee I am got a cabin so you guys might wanna pack your bags & get out of their for awhile so I suggest get out of New York now I got you guys a private plane for all of you." said Aunt Sierra

"Okay I am gonna call John & I will see you soon love you." I said as I am still freaking out

-Off the phone with Aunt Sierra-

"Babe whats going on? said Nat as he looks confused

"Chad has escaped & he is on his way back here right now." I said as I start to panic

"What we gonna do? said Nat 

"Pack our bags were going to Nashville cause Aunt Sierra got a cabin for all of us to stay so we have to start leaving now I am gonna go call John & tell him to hurry back home." I said as I dialed John

"Okay I will go start packing our stuff & you can go pack Jenny's okay but we gotta hurry." said Nat

"Okay i'm calling John now." I said as I began breathing heavy

-On The Phone With John-

"Hey sis is everything okay?" said John

"We got a problem Aunt Sierra called Chad has escaped & he is on his way to New York to find me so you need to hurry home & pack your bags were going to Tennessee I will explain later."  I said

"Okay I am on my way right now." said John

-Off The Phone With John-

*About a few mins later John came back home*

So we are packing were trying to get out of here for awhile just until it starts to calm down & when he gives up or when he gets caught cause he's all over the news in New York which is good I hope someone will turn him in to the cops. So John packed up everything he needs & I packed the things I needed & I packed up everything Jenny would need & Nat packed up the things he needed & were gonna get our friends to keep a look out on Chad so they can turn him in & Aunt Sierra has already sent the private plane for all of us to ride & Alex is already here & he is gonna drop us off & were gonna where hoodies to cover our face just incase Chad is out there & we hide Jenny under a blanket our Cabin is in Gatlinberg were staying at Parkside Cabin Rentals and where gonna stay there for while cause we need to keep Jenny safe cause I don't want Chad laying a hand on my daughter cause he is not gonna do that to Jenny like he did that to me when we dated & he's an abusive jerk face & he is not gonna hurt my daughter and he better not dare hurt my husband or my brother cause he aint gonna get away with this I don't know why he's being so cruel now he's gonna want to hurt my baby girl & I took my laptop with me cause the place will have wifi we took a few movies with us & we put all the dvds in the cd case we got shows and movies all in the cd case & and John hasn't applied yet so it was a good thing he didn't start & he said he's gonna put it on hold & we finally finished packing & we got are ready to get out for awhile & we headed out & got all our stuff in Alex's car & Aunt Sierra said the plane is already there and the cabin has enough rooms for me, Nat, John and Aunt Sierra and Jenny is gonna sleep with us we got the playpen for her to sleep in and we gotten are already headed toward where the plane is gonna be. Sooner we finally got to the plane & we gotten our stuff in there we hooked Jenny's carseat to where its safety & we all got in just in time & there was no sign of Chad. We finally have lifted off & Aunt Sierra texted saying she's paying for the cabin & she's already in Gatlinberg but this should be good were gonna try to make it fun for Jenny & whats most importantly she will be safe.

To Be Continued...........

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