Chapter 5: Shopping For Jenny

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*As weeks gone by Harley is 23 weeks pregnant*

~Nat's POV~

So me & Harley are having a girl and her belly continued to grow I am so excited for Jenny to get here and she's doing really well on the pregnancy & I think she's gonna be a daddy's girl & were gonna go shopping for our little Jenny she is gonna be spoiled.

"Babe you ready to go?" I said

"I'm coming I just gotta slip my shoes on cause I can't bend over this is one of the struggles of being pregnant." said Harley

"I know babe but she will get here before you know it." I said

*They finally left the apartment*

~Harley's POV~

So me & Nat are going from store to store to get some stuff for little Jenny and I already bought some of the cute stuff for her on Etsy & I am looking on room insparation for her room just right after the move cause we ain't gonna move to another aparment until after Jenny is born. So we went from every store and bought so many things for Jenny.

 So we went from every store and bought so many things for Jenny

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So me & Nat finished shopping and I already got a crib ordered for her & we bough like some diapers, baby wipes & baby powder and everything we already setted up a changing area cause it's only tempory cause since we're planning on moving to a new...

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So me & Nat finished shopping and I already got a crib ordered for her & we bough like some diapers, baby wipes & baby powder and everything we already setted up a changing area cause it's only tempory cause since we're planning on moving to a new apartment building were looking for a 3 bedroom so it can be one room for me & Nat, one for Jenny and one for John.

"I am tired babe." I said once again feeling my pregnant belly

"I know babe I am too maybe we can go home and just take a nap." said Nat as he's driving and holding my hand

"I would sleep but Jenny is just gonna keep on moving around so I probably won't be able to get some sleep." I said

"We can just go sit on the bed & watch The Big Bang Theory." said Nat

"Sounds good as long as your next to me." I said

"I'll always be next to you babe." said Nat as he kissed my hand.

So we have finally got home got all of Jenny's things and we gone through and putted them away and they got in sweatpants & turned on their tv and watched The Big Bang Theory where Howard & Bernadtte got married and watched another episode & after watching about 5 episodes we finally fell asleep.

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