Chapter 32: Harley Gets Help

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Just to let you know there are probably gonna be some misspelled words so forgive me but anyways enjoy this chapter!!!!

~Nat's POV~

So I got a hold of everyone which is Shailene, Ansel, Justice, Jaz, Halston, Alex, and John called Aunt Sierra cause we all need to convince Harley to get some help at least cause we don't want to see her do this to herself and I just don't want to see her hurt herself and I really don't want it to be hard on Jenny and she doesn't wanna it to make it hard on Jenny too and I just wanna see her lowing herself esteem and doing all these things to herself I understand she's gone through situations like the divorce, her Mom being dead, and her Dad abondoning them cause he didn't want anything to do with her & John and being in abusive relationship with her ex-boyfriend cause from what he did when she & I was still dating the day she got sent to the asylum & I don't want her back in the asylum of course she doesn't remember what happened while she was at the asylum for 4 weeks all she remembered was she woke up noticing on she was there but she never asked why she was even in there & I think me & John should show her the pics that was taken before & while she was in the asylum & they also did a video from the times she was not remembering anything cause she hit her head at the old apartment when Chad tried hurting him & I remember the day she had a mental break down cause she didn't remember me or John and it was horrifying and the doctor put her on pills to help her but it wasn't doing much we tried from one meds from another it just wouldn't do. Everyone came. Harley hasn't came home yet.

"Hey guys thanks for coming." I said

"So what brought us here?" said Jaz

"Well it's about Harley everyone she is just going through her mental stages." I said

"What happened?" said Halston

"Well what happened was Harley had a flashback the day of their Mom's death & she had a hard time sleeping last night cause she had a very bad nightmare where her ex-boyfriend tried to kill her & seeing the past to where their Dad left them behind & I am just worried about her & I know y'all are too and I tired to convince her to see a phsyoctirst but she wouldn't agree so I just need y'all to help me convince her that she needs to talk to the person & the doctor says if she keeps refusing their gonna send her back to the asylum." I said as I began to tear up "I don't want it to effect our daughter we just need her to think about Jenny I don't wanna see Jenny growing up with a mother who goes in & out of the asylum and I don't wanna see her going through this once she gets older."

"We do care about her & we don't want her emotions killing her." said Shailene

"Yeah we all been there for her since you 2 started dating." said Ansel

"Harley is our friend & we all need to get her to agree for Jenny's sake." said Justice

"We know she's gone through things in her life but she can't let it ruin her happiness." said Alex

"I agree here & I don't want my sister doing this to herself that will have an effect on Jenny." said John

*Nat's phone beeps*

"I just got a text from Harley she's about to walk in now remember we all care about her." I said

*Harley walks in*

"Oh hey everyone." said Harley as she looks curious "I am surprised everyone is here what's going on here? cause I know I am not pregnant."

"Baby the reason why everyone is here cause were all worried about you." I said holding her hand

"I am fine babe how many times do I have to tell you I am fine." said Harley

"Sis you had a flashback & a nightmare about your ex-boyfriend & got token back to the past where it was part of the nightmare." said John

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