Chapter 24: Let The Pranks Begin

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~John's POV~

So my girlfriend was still hanging with me & Harley was having a weird look on her face and so me & Cat was just hanging around. Nat & Harley have to leave for L.A. tomorrow cause their gonna celebrate his birthday and Jenny just loves Cat every time she comes over she wants her to play with her.

"Hey Jenny is Uncle John hanging with us?" said Camren "Is he being silly?"

*Jenny smiles*

"Is Uncle John & Aunt Cat playing with you?" I said "Uh-huh is Aunt Cat trying to tickle you?"

*Jenny still smiling*

"Do I see that pretty smile? Do I see that pretty smile?" said Nat as he picks up Jenny

*Jenny doing her baby noise & then farted*

"Oh I think somebody needs to get a fresh diaper here." said Nat as he takes Jenny into her room to change her

"So how did Jenny do while me & Nat were gone?" said Harley

"Oh she did good we all watched Inside Out, Finding Dory, Frozen and Zootopia." I said "She had a nap about halfway through Inside Out but anyways she's done really good she's eating well & I did had to change Jenny a few times after giving her a bottle." I said

*Nat & Jenny comes out her room*

"Well thats good & looks like me, you & Daddy need some bonding time." said Harley

"Well I had a great time hanging with these two Jenny is such a cutie & so is John." said Camren

"Well I will see you tomorrow babe." I said as I kissed her

"Get a room bro." said Harley in a playful voice and starts laughing

*A few moments later Cat had already went home & John decided to go in his bedroom & take a nap*

So Nat, Harley & Jenny are gonna be in the living room watching tv & I decided to take a nap & I walked in the room & ran into clear tape that was webbed to my door.

"Harley." I said as I begin to laugh 

And then there was more tape & I tripped over & than slime came down my head & I knew it was Harley cause it's always the day to prank & I am gonna get 

"HARLEY." I said as I plan to get her back for pranking "Don't worry payback is the key here."

So I decided to start setting up the pranks for Harley for when she gets up & so I decided to put a fake spider in the bathroom & that's the only prank I am gonna give Harley I can't wait for the big payback cause she hates spiders & I can't wait to see the look on her face.

~Harley's POV~

So I am spending time with Nat & Jenny cause John has already walked on my pranks & It was very funny me & Nat laughed just as soon as he walked in my pranks and then I decided to go to the bathroom & I walked in & saw a spider.

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH." I said as I gotten louder

*Nat walks in*

"Dang babe what was with all the screaming." said Nat 

"There is a freaking spider babe." I said freaking out

"Baby it's not real it's rubber." said Nat

"JOHN." I said

"What is it sis?" said John

"Come here." I said about to give him pay back 

"I don't think so sis." said John

"I am not gonna hurt you." I said as I took out my squirt gun and shoot cold water at him

"AHHHH it's freaking cold Harley." said John

"You asked for it." I said and started laughing

"I love you sis." said John

"Love you too bubs and my pranks were better." I said as I was hugging John 

"We will see about that next year." said John

*As soon as the hours went by everyone was asleep except for Harley & Nat*

So I went to the bathroom brushed my teeth me & Nat are already packed for L.A. tomorrow so Nat is already in the bed waiting while he's watching A.I. Artificial Intelligence and I am in the bathroom just washing my face & now heading for the bed.

"Are you excited for the trip babe?" I said

"Yeah & you know whats gonna be the best part of it?" said Nat

"What is?" I said

"Having you with me & it's just gonna be the two of us alone." said Nat as he begins to lean over and kiss me

"I love you." I said

"I love you too my beautiful wife I can't wait for our vacation." said Nat

"Are you sure Jenny is gonna do okay while were gone?" I said

"She's gonna be fine Aunt Sierra is gonna stay over & she will have a lot of company when John's girlfriend comes over." said Nat

"I guess your right it's just that it's gonna be our first time a few miles away from Jenny." I said as Nat continues to kiss me "Really babe are you just kissing my neck when I am talking?"

"I was listening babe & I can't help that I love you." said Nat

"Your cute when you kiss me all time babe & I have the most cutest husband." I said wrapping my arms around him

"Your so beautiful babe even after having a baby you still look hot as ever." said Nat as he kissed my forehead 

"Your very cute babe." I said as we started making out

*After 30 minutes of making out they went to sleep.*

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