Chapter 4 - Punishing Dean Pt.1

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Thursday -9/1/18- The rookies were just finishing up their wrestling training with Paul Levesque for the day.

Paul Levesque- "Becky take control of the arm, turn it! That's good! Armdrag him down, there you go! And time! That's a wrap for today we will end it there. All of you can go except Dean who I need to talk to for five minutes."

Everyone cleared out of the room so it was just Paul and Dean.

Dean Ambrose- "Am I in trouble?"

Paul Levesque- "Kind of yes and kind of no. Vince McMahon came in here yesterday and scolded me for firing Booker and told me that I needed to punish you otherwise Vince would take it into his own hands and he'd punish you so to prevent him from giving you some huge punishment so on Saturday you can come to my house and paint my fence, Vince will be there so he can see that I am punishing you. If it was my choice I wouldn't of punished you but unfortunately it's not."

Dean Ambrose- "Fucking Vince and his rules. Fine I'll do it but if Vince gets covered in paint then it wasn't me."

Paul Levesque- "Hey I wouldn't complain, I might even slip you ten dollars to do it."

Dean and Paul laughed and Dean left as Paul cleared up the room.

Dean returned to circuit training, got that finished and then when the rookies were on the bus home he told everyone about the conversation he and Paul had.

Roman Reigns- "That sucks that you need to waste a Saturday painting a fence."

Sami Zayn- "Yeah I just wish we could help you out."

Becky Lynch- "I agree with Sami I think all of us should go and help Dean paint."

Dean Ambrose- "But how? Vince is going to be there and if any of you guys get caught he will punish you too and I don't want you guys in that position and you can't all come at once."

Sasha Banks- "What if we make a schedule so that Dean constantly has someone helping him so say for example Paige you help Dean paint for half an hour and once that half an hour is done then I help him paint for half an hour and we keep the cycle going until the job is done and then give Dean all the credit."

Dean Ambrose- "That's genius Sasha especially the part where I get all the credit. It'll be risky but let's do it."

When the rookies got back to the apartments Sasha, Dean and Becky went back to Sasha's room to make up the plan. The paper read:

Painting Schedule

10:00- Finn Balor
10:30- Sami Zayn
11:00- Becky Lynch
11:30- Seth Rollins
12:00- Nikki Bella
12:30- Sasha Banks
13:00- AJ Lee
13:30- Roman Reigns
14:00- Paige Bevis

The schedule would be repeated as many times as it took until the fence was finished. They made sure everyone knew the schedule and pinned it up in the corridor they all stayed on incase anyone forgot.

It was going to be a very busy Saturday.

Authors Note: Typical for Dean to always be in trouble, Paul really likes him though which works in his favour. I hope you guys enjoyed this Chapter remember to comment and also vote for it.

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