Chapter 27 - The Wrestlemania 34 Trip Pt.7

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Charlotte Flair- "Sami! I need to talk to you."

Sami Zayn- "Can it wait? Apparently, according to Shane, The Miz got his towel stolen and is locked out of the changing rooms and we were going to go laugh at him."

Charlotte Flair- "No it can't wait it is pretty important."

Seth Rollins- "Sami, we love you but we are not missing laughing at naked Miz so me and Finn are away to check this out."

Seth and Finn went running down the corridor towards the men's locker room leaving Charlotte and Sami alone.

Charlotte Flair- "Sami we seriously need to talk."

Sami Zayn- "Oh my god you're pregnant aren't you, see this is why I don't get drunk often because I end up with children."

Charlotte Flair- "Sami you do understand how babies are made right? You need to have sex to make a child."

Sami Zayn- "Yeah obviously it was just a joke come on Charlotte have a sense of humour."

Sami started sweating.

Charlotte Flair- "Anyway, I need to tell you that I was stupid. I still have feelings for you and I want to have a relationship with you. I'm planning to go to college in Florida so we won't be long distance."

Sami Zayn- "So you tell me you don't want to date me through a letter and then all of a sudden you just change your mind? I appreciate the offer but I need to decline. You should of made your feelings clear from the get go. I'll see you around Charlotte."

Sami started walking away from Charlotte.

Charlotte Flair- "Sami wait!"

Sami kept on walking just ignoring Charlotte.

Charlotte Flair- "Fine you will never get to talk to me ever again! I'm too good for someone like you anyway!"

Charlotte, visibly upset, ran past AJ and Becky who ended up watching from a distance.

AJ Lee- "That was harsh from Sami."

Becky Lynch- "You can't blame Sami for saying what he said. I just hope he's ok, we should go check on him."

AJ and Becky went down the same corridor Sami did to try to find him and find him they did.

Sami, Finn and Seth were throwing a football around with The Usos and Heath Slater and Sami was looking like he was having the time of his life chasing after Jey.

AJ Lee- "I think he'll be fine without us now and in the future."

Becky Lynch- "We are like proud parents here."

Becky and AJ shared a laugh and watched the guys play football for a while until The Usos and Slater had to go get ready for their matches.

The rookies headed back to the Gorilla Position where WWE Superstars were stood getting ready to go out for the Annual Andre The Giant Memorial Battle Royal that was on the Wrestlemania Pre-Show. They took up their seats backstage for the night and the show got underway.

The first match on the proper Wrestlemania 34 card was AJ Styles V Samoa Joe. Joe was going out to the ring first, his music hit and he went out. While Joe was making his way out AJ Styles was pacing back and forward getting ready for his match.

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