Chapter 61 - TLC Pt.1

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Sunday -19/12/18- It was, finally, the day of the Tables, Ladders and Chairs Pay-Per-View and the three Shield members were outside the apartments waiting for their Uber to arrive so that they could get to the airport and get their very early flight up to New York.

It was 12:20 in the morning and their flight left at 3 in the morning which meant that it was expected to land, in New York, at 5:30 in the morning.

From there the Shield would go, from the airport, to their hotel rooms and then over to the Barclay's Centre for TLC.

The Uber arrived and they got in, the driver was very big into conversation with his clients and the three realised this very soon.

Uber Driver- "So what are three young kids doing taking an Uber to an airport at this time in the morning?"

Dean was sat in the front seat with Roman and Seth in the back.

Dean Ambrose- "We are wrestlers for WWE and have a big match in New York City tomorrow so we need to get a plane there."

Uber Driver- "I used to watch it back in the day but then Steve Austin and The Rock left and it got crappy."

Roman Reigns- "I'm actually related to The Rock."

Uber Driver- "You're making that up, no way."

Roman Reigns- "I'm not lying man, he's my cousin. We aren't blood related, it's via marriage but we are still technically related."

Uber Driver- "Tell him I loved him back in the nineties and his whole shtick with the eyebrow and the if you smell what the Rock is cooking."

Roman Reigns- "I'll let him know the next time I see him."

Uber Driver- "So what are your characters."

Dean Ambrose- "We are, essentially, security guards for, the current WWE Champion, CM Punk."

Uber Driver- "That's a stupid name, CM Punk, that's the best guy they have?"

Seth Rollins- "Don't mess with him, he'd kick your ass."

Dean Ambrose- "The dude has a short fuse. We roe with him when we were going from, the latest Pay-Per-View, Survivor Series to RAW the next night, he's a cool guy."

Uber Driver- "Just his name that is stupid."

They eventually got to the airport after a long chat about the state of the wrestling industry with a man who stopped watching near fifteen years ago.

Going through the airport, they tried to keep their faces as covered as legally possible with hats and glasses.

They did notice that people, from afar were taking pictures of them but nobody walked up to actually ask for a picture or ask for an autograph, which was perfectly ok with the three Shield members.

Their face covering continued even when they were on the plane. No other WWE talent was flying from Florida to New York so it was only the three Shield members who were wrestlers on the plane, the rest of the people occupying the seats were just normal people.

The flight went fine as, again, nobody came up to them and asked them for autographs or pictures.

Seth was the first to really notice this and brought it up to the others.

Seth Rollins- "Nobody is coming up to us and talking to us and I'm a little concerned."

Dean Ambrose- "That's a good thing, we can relax and have some fun and don't need to worry about a thing."

Roman Reigns- "After tonight though, everyone is going to want to talk to us, we are going to kill it."

Dean Ambrose- "Remember we need to go over the minor details of the match again with the guys."

Roman Reigns- "Of course."

The flight landed in New York, it was Dean, Roman and Seth's first time ever in the city and, although they wouldn't need to get used to it, they wanted to familiarise themselves with their surroundings.

They got their taxi, waiting for them outside the airport at 6am and started their journey to the hotel.

The New York traffic held them up a lot and that meant that it took them close to an hour to make it to the hotel.

There were some other WWE Superstars in the hotel lobby but not all of their flights had gotten in.

The three Shield members got checked in and went up to see their hotel room, via the elevator.

It was a fairly standard room, all three of the rooms were the same. They had a big double bed, a balcony with a glass coffee table, a small kitchen, which had a cooker, microwave and a kettle and, also, an on-suite bathroom.

They chilled in Roman's room for a while until Seth got a text from Daniel Bryan.

Seth Rollins- "Bryan just texted me, he wants us to go to room five fifteen which is apparently Ryback's just to go over the last checks."

Dean Ambrose- "Let's get going then."

The three met with Ryback, Daniel Bryan and Kane in Ryback's room and fine tuned the last parts of their match to perfection.

Now they were officially ready for Tables, Ladders and Chairs.

Daniel Bryan- "Just incase you guys didn't know, when we are leaving the hotel there are two buses, one for the heels and one for the babyfaces. Just, please, remember to get on the heels bus no matter what anyone says."

Seth Rollins- "I'll make sure these two stay in line and get on the right bus."

Roman Reigns- "You can rely on me to get on the right bus but Dean is a different story."

Dean Ambrose- "Dude, don't worry, I'm going to see if I'm allowed to drive the heel bus."

Kane- "Do you have a drivers license?"

Dean laughed.

Dean Ambrose- "Nope, but it's worth a shot, right?"

Kane shrugged and left the room with Bryan and those two were shortly followed by the three Shield members.

It came time for them to get on the bus to get to the arena.

Dean was talking to Kane about politics in Cincinnati which, for some reason, really interested Dean to the point that, when it came time to board the buses, Seth had to drag Dean onto the heel bus away from Kane.

The buses navigated the New York traffic well and got the Superstars to the Barclays Centre.

Fans were lined up in some of the streets close to the arena that the buses went down and were holding up signs, chanting and shouting.

The Superstars got off the buses one by one and were cheered and booed depending on their on-screen characters.

As soon as Dean, Seth and Roman got off the bus, there was a loud chorus of boos from the crowd. Dean, noticing this started shouting.

Dean Ambrose- "Boo us now all you want, later tonight, we'll shut you all up and justice will be served!"

Roman played off him.

Roman Reigns- "Believe that!"

The boos got louder and the three walked inside the arena with their bags and along to the locker room to start preparing for what would be a long night.

Authors Note: It will be a massive moment for the Shield at TLC and they are doing well on the day so far. Be sure to vote for my Chapters, leave comments on them and follow me on Wattpad.

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