Chapter 62 - TLC Pt.2

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Paul Levesque came into the locker room and was talking to each Superstar individually, making sure that they knew what they'd be doing in their segments and matches.

Finally, Paul got round to the three Shield members.

Paul Levesque- "Alright, guys, Survivor Series was child's play compared to this match. I hope that you three are ready for this and know what you're doing. Not to add pressure but the whole world is watching. We will get you up into the crowd for your entrance a couple of minutes before your match."

Dean Ambrose- "Don't worry, we are ready, we believe in ourselves."

Roman Reigns- "And we know that you believe in us too."

Paul Levesque- "Yeah, I do. I'll talk to you guys later."

The Shield waved goodbye to Paul as he left the locker room. Daniel Bryan came into the room with a plate from catering which looked like it was made up entirely from leaves.

Daniel Bryan- "Shield guys, catering is down the hall if you turn left."

Seth Rollins- "Thanks, Daniel, we'll check it out soon."

Roman paced around the locker room with his headphones in while Dean and Seth texted their girlfriends to let them know how everything was going.

They ended up going along to catering and getting food. They saw CM Punk sitting, on his own in pain, and decided to go over and sit with him.

Punk was injured by Ryback on RAW a couple of weeks before TLC and, therefore, was missing the show.

Dean Ambrose- "Punk, how's the injury."

CM Punk- "It fucking sucks. I hate that dumb fuck Ryback."

Seth Rollins- "Come on, man, he's not that bad."

CM Punk- "I'm convinced that he injured me on purpose to try and get the Title stripped of me in the hope that they'd give it to him."

Seth Rollins- "Dude, do you really think someone would be-"

Dean punched Seth in the leg and stopped him from finishing his sentence, looked at Seth and shook his head.

CM Punk- "Finish what you were going to say, Seth."

All three of the others at the table looked at Seth.

Seth Rollins- "I was going to say,do you really think someone would be stupid enough to put the WWE Championship on Ryback."

CM Punk laughed.

CM Punk- "That's a good point, it's probably just get given to Cena and I like John so I don't care."

Dean Ambrose- "So do you have any special requests for the match tonight?"

CM Punk- "You know I do, try your hardest not to hurt Daniel and Kane and kick the shit out Ryback."

Roman Reigns- "That's all good with us, I do feel like he's going to hate us once we are done with him though."

CM Punk- "Don't give a shit about him, me and Paul Heyman will stick up for you three if Ryback has an attitude problem. I'm pretty sure Cena would too and I know that Bryan and Kane both like you guys so you are safe."

Dean Ambrose- "It's always cool to have that safety net in case we do mess up so thanks for being there for us."

CM Punk- "No problem, just keep killing it every week and I'll be right behind you guys, giving you advice, helping you, sticking up for you and making you even better."

Seth Rollins- "Punk, are you wanting a drink or, at the very least, some ice for your injury."

CM Punk- "No, I'm fine."

The Shield kept talking to Punk in catering until it came time for them to go and get into their wrestling gear for their match. They said goodbye to Punk and Dean Malenko kept giving them even more information while they walked from catering to the locker room.

Their match was the fourth match on the card and would come after the Intercontinental Championship match between Kofi Kingston and Wade Barrett.

The Shield were in their gear by the time the TLC Pre-Show ended and the main card began.

The nerves and the adrenaline started kicking in all around the building as the opening match was ready to go, a Tables Match which saw Damien Sandow and Cody Rhodes team up to face Rey Mysterio and Sin Cara.

The Shield continued to prepare for their match. They made their way up to the perch, where they'd enter from which was through the crowd, during the Intercontinental Championship Match.

They made their final preps and were told to start walking out when their music played.

Dean was stood looking through the door which would lead them out to the arena, he wasn't blinking.

Roman and Seth were going through their last checks.

Roman Reigns- "You ready, bro?"

Seth Rollins- "I think so."

They heard the bell ring and then, WWE Ring Announcer, Justin Roberts made the announcements.

Justin Roberts- "This is the first ever Six-Man Tag Team Tables, Ladders and Chairs Match. There will be no count outs and no disqualifications. The only way to win is by pinfall or submission."

The fire blast from Kane's entrance went off and he made his way to the ring. Then, Daniel Bryan was next to enter and he got a massive reaction, the fans were firmly supporting him on the night. Lastly, for the entrances of the Shield's opponents, it was Ryback who made his way to the ring.

Finally, it was time for the Shield to enter. They heard their entrance theme for the first time over the arena speakers and heard the words Sierra, Hotel, India, Echo, Lima, Delta...Shield and then their music started playing.

Authors Note: The Shield are ready but how will they do in their first match. Be sure to vote for my Chapters, leave comments on my Chapters and follow me on Wattpad.

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