Chapter 43 - Debut Plans

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Monday -25/10/18- It was another day of training for the rookies as it was Monday again. Their bodies had healed and they were ready for another hard week.

The rookies arrived at the Performance Centre but, as soon as they went inside, they were met in the corridor by Paul Levesque and Vince McMahon.

Seth Rollins- "What's going on?"

Mr McMahon- "Don't worry, none of you are in trouble."

Dean Ambrose- "Well that's a change of pace, right?"

Nobody dared to acknowledge what Dean had said due to being in the presence of Vince McMahon.

Paul Levesque- "Dean, Seth and Roman, you three will come to my office with me and Mr McMahon. The rest of you can just get on with your day as usual."

Dean, Roman and Seth did just as Paul asked and followed him and Vince to his office. Paul sat in his chair while Vince stood beside his desk with a white board.

Vince McMahon- "Make yourselves comfortable, take a seat."

Seth, Dean and Roman sat down in chairs that were in Paul's office and faced the white board.

Vince McMahon- "I have been talking with Mr Levesque about you three potentially making your debuts. He wants you to go through NXT for six months and then go to the main roster but I would much rather that you three debuted at Survivor Series next month on the main roster."

Paul Levesque- "Vince, you know that I don't think they are ready and it's me that has been watching them grow for almost two years now."

Vince McMahon- "To make them even better, put them in the ring with John Cena, CM Punk, Randy Orton."

Paul Levesque- "In NXT we have Johnny Gargano, Tomasso Ciampa, Bobby Roode, Eric Young. They aren't slouches by any means and I think the three could benefit strongly from wrestling in NXT for six months."

Dean Ambrose- "I like to believe that talent always shines so if you put us in NXT we will do great things with Bobby and Eric and DIY."

Seth Rollins- "And if you put us on the main roster we will shine alongside Cena and Punk and Orton."

Roman Reigns- "You give us time to show what we can do and we'll be a success."

Vince McMahon- "That confidence is exactly what we need injected into the main roster. I'll be honest, they are slacking."

Dean Ambrose- "Also, if you move Johnny and Tomasso to the main roster we can wrestle them on the main roster."

Roman Reigns- "Same for Bobby and Eric or anyone else in NXT that you want to see us wrestle."

Paul Levesque- "I still don't know if you guys are ready."

Seth Rollins- "As you said, you've seen us grow I the last two years and you know that we are capable of being a success on the main roster, you just need to give us good storylines and we can carry them and, even if they are crappy, we will make them work."

Roman Reigns- "Mr Levesque, we want to go straight to the main roster. We are not asking for the world. We are asking for an opportunity."

Vince McMahon- "So Paul, what do you say?"

Paul Levesque- "Fine, they can go to the main roster, I have faith."

Seth Rollins- "Mr McMahon, when is Survivor Series?"

Vince McMahon- "Sunday, the twenty first of November."

Roman Reigns(thought)- "Oh no, that's Nikki's birthday. We can't miss that."

Dean Ambrose(thought)- "That date sounds kind of familiar."

Vince McMahon- "Is that date a problem for anyone?"

Seth Rollins- "No, not at all, I was just curious, sir."

Vince McMahon- "Great, now that all that is out of the way and now we know you are going to the main roster, here is the plan for your characters. I want you three to debut as trio. As three young guys trying to eradicate the WWE of injustice. I want you all dressed in black SWAT gear. The big boots, the cargo pants, the turtlenecks."

Roman Reigns- "Turtlenecks? They are the least fashionable thing going."

Vince McMahon- "If you think of a better alternative then you can let me know. You will be called The Shield and will have riot shields with the word shield on them and SWAT helmets and batons."

Seth Rollins- "Riot shields?"

Vince McMahon- "Yes Seth, riot shields. In the main event of Survivor Series you three will run down to the ring and attack John Cena and Ryback. Put Ryback through a table and then lead to CM Punk retaining his Title."

Dean Ambrose- "The storyline sounds great but I feel like the gear needs to be changed up."

Vince McMahon- "Well we will do a trial entrance on the day of Survivor Series and if anything is causing difficulties then we can change it."

Seth Rollins- "That sounds good to me, I can't wait to perfect this."

Roman Reigns- "Thanks to both of you for the opportunity."

Dean Ambrose- "We look forward to showing up at Survivor Series."

Dean, Seth and Roman shook hands with Vince and Paul and walked out of the room. They made sure that they were far away from Vince and Paul before talking about the meeting that just happened.

Dean Ambrose- "I'll just outright say it, we need to change so much of Vince's idea if we want to be a success."

Seth Rollins- "We need to get rid of the helmets, batons, riot shields and the turtlenecks."

Roman Reigns- "We can't go shirtless though, otherwise we'd look weird with the cargo pants."

Seth Rollins- "We will think about it later, we need to go train with the others."

Dean Ambrose- "And we can brag about moving to the main roster."

Seth Rollins- "I think we should keep quiet about it and then, when they watch Survivor Series, they will mark out."

Roman Reigns- "That'd be sick."

Dean Ambrose- "Alright, we'll keep quiet about it then."

It wouldn't be long until Seth, Dean and Roman's lives would change, once again, for the better.

Authors Note: Big news for Dean, Roman and Seth, their dreams are coming true shortly. If you enjoyed the Chapter then you can vote for it and all the other Chapters I've posted and be sure to heave comments and of course follow me on Wattpad.

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