Chapter 64 - On The Road

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Paul Heyman drove the car with CM Punk in the passenger's seat while Dean, Seth and Roman sat in the back.

They were driving from the TLC PPV, in Brooklyn, to Philadelphia, which would be hosting the RAW show after TLC. Brooklyn to Philly wasn't a long drive which made being in a car with five people and five suitcases much easier for everyone involved.

Paul Heyman- "Christmas is coming up, do all of you have your presents sorted out for your significant others?"

Punk turned away from Heyman and stared out the window.

Dean Ambrose- "We've been really busy lately so we haven't found time to go and get anything but we did say that we would get stuff on this loop."

Seth Rollins- "Worst case scenario is that we have to buy things from the airport."

Paul Heyman- "You have tomorrow to walk around Philly and try to find things. You should have time."

Roman Reigns- "That's a pretty good idea."

Seth Rollins- "It's just a case of what do we get them?"

Dean Ambrose- "Anything you can get your hands on, that's what."

Paul Heyman- "Don't worry about price, worry about sentiment."

Dean Ambrose- "Paul, you're a dictionary of philosophical quotes."

Paul Heyman- "I'm Jewish, you pick these sayings up along the way from Rabbis, the Torah which is the Jewish equivalent of a Bible and from my parents who were very religious."

Dean Ambrose- "You also get your money management skills from your religion."

Paul laughed.

Paul Heyman- "If some people who I met just a month ago said that to me, I'd probably throw a pen at them but you three kids are different in some way. You're all unique, even from each other."

Roman Reigns- "We really can't thank you enough for the kind words and travel."

Paul Heyman- "As Punk told you before, just keep performing in the ring and I'll keep you guys under my wing. If your performances start to slack then my, no pun intended, reigns will slack on you too."

Seth Rollins- "That's a fair deal, no sarcasm there."

Paul Heyman got everyone to the hotel, they got out, unloaded their bags from the car, got checked in and went up to their hotel rooms.

Seth was looking around his hotel room, checking out all the cool things he had, when he got a phone call from Paul Levesque. He picked up the phone and answered.

Seth Rollins- "Yo, what's up?"

Paul Levesque- "Where the hell are you Dean and Roman? I've been getting people to look all over the building for you guys."

Seth Rollins- "Paul Heyman told us that he was driving us to the hotel and that we were leaving early, we did and now we are at the hotel, safe and sound."

Paul Levesque- "You should of let me know that you were going."

Seth Rollins- "Punk and Heyman said that it'd all be good and that they'd handle any animosity."

Paul Levesque- "If you see them, let them know that I'll be talking to them tomorrow at RAW about this. You, Roman and Dean are off the hook this one time, don't let it happen again."

Seth Rollins- "Noted."

Paul Levesque- "I've got to go now, I'll talk to you tomorrow about work."

Seth Rollins- "Later."

Seth didn't tell CM Punk or Paul Heyman, that night, that Paul Levesque was going to be talking to them about what happened. Instead, Seth opted to sleep.

The next day, the three Shield members were up early to go out and buy the Christmas presents that they'd be getting for their friends back in Florida.

They went to a local mall and tried to lay out a plan.

Dean Ambrose- "We should buy a separate suitcase to put all the presents in."

Roman Reigns- "Do you mean we each get an extra suitcase for our separate gifts or get one suitcase where we all cram all the stuff in?"

Seth Rollins- "I'd say get two more suitcases."

Roman Reigns- "Two it is then."

Dean Ambrose- "Ok, we'll go and get them and then go shop to shop and find presents."

They ran through the shopping mall to look for a shop that sold suitcases and eventually found one.

From there, they went around the entire mall looking for presents. They each had a list of names of people they were buying for and, beside the names, had written what they intended to buy for that person.

It took them around an hour to get everything that they needed. The mall wasn't busy considering it was Monday morning but, due to Christmas coming up, was a little bit busier than a regular Monday.

They got all the presents into the suitcases. The Shield members agreed that they wouldn't get anything for each other that Christmas.

Dean got some gold jewellery for Sasha, Ireland Soccer Team jerseys for Finn and Becky, a Montreal Canadiens Hockey jersey for Sami, a handbag for Nikki, a nice pair of shoes for AJ and, for Paige, an England Football shirt, some shoes, a Shield hoodie and some black earrings.

Seth got Sasha some gold shoes, he got Finn and Sami some expensive cologne, he got Becky some green shoes, he got Nikki some high heels, he got Paige a dark themed make-up set and got AJ some expensive perfume, a pair of converse shoes and a collection of old Spider-Man comics.

Roman got Sasha a leather jacket, got Sami some flannel shirts, he got Finn a new gym bag and some training shoes, he got Becky some expensive chocolates, he got Paige a new phone case and, just like Finn, got her done training shoes, he got AJ a fancy watch and got Nikki a dress, some high heels, a handbag, a watch and some earrings.

Dean Ambrose- "Roman, I think you went a little bit overboard in your presents for Nikki."

Roman Reigns- "Don't worry about it, I think I did well and she'll appreciate it."

Seth Rollins- "It might send her the wrong message."

Roman Reigns- "How do you know what message I'm trying to send?"

Roman picked up one of the suitcases and pulled it behind him.

The Shield went back to their hotel to prepare for that night's episode of RAW.

Authors Note: That's the Christmas presents bought by Dean, Roman and Seth. They can't wait to give them to their friends. I hope you enjoyed this Chapter and, if you did, vote for the Chapter, comment on the Chapter and follow me on Wattpad.

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