Chapter 5 - Punishing Dean Pt.2

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Saturday -11/1/18- Dean Ambrose showed up at Paul's house with old clothes and some big tins of brown paint. Paul gave him the keys to his shed so that Dean could get some paintbrushes and start the painting of the fence.

Vince McMahon and his son Shane McMahon showed up after Dean had been painting for around twenty minutes. They were meeting with Paul Levesque to discuss more in depth how the company would be run going forward with Paul stepping down as COO.

Vince McMahon- "Ambrose, remember not to miss any spots or I'll make you start again!"

Dean just ignored Vince and kept on painting. After what felt like an eternity but what was in reality twenty minutes Finn Balor showed up to help Dean as he was the first person scheduled to help Dean.

Finn Balor- "Alright mate, are you having fun?"

Dean Ambrose- "Not at all, grab a brush and start helping."

Finn did just that and helped Dean for the half an hour he was scheduled to.

Finn Balor- "You know this isn't actually that bad. I feel like painting calms and soothes someone."

Dean Ambrose- "Dude I'm incredibly pissed off that I need to do this so don't start saying it's soothing."

Finn Balor- "I think that you are just really angry that you will be stuck here all day whereas I know I'll only be here for half an hour most likely."

Dean Ambrose- "Don't remind me."

Dean and Finn laughed and talked until Sami Zayn showed up to take over from Finn.

Finn Balor- "Dean I'll catch you later. Sami good luck with this."

Finn high-fived Sami which looked like he was tagging him into the job. Sami got to work immediately on the fence and him and Dean were a fairly efficient team getting a good amount of the fence painted before it was Sami's time to leave and Becky Lynch's turn to help out.

Becky Lynch- "Hey Dean have you got any good jokes to break the ice? Remember to make sure they aren't very o-fence-ive."

Dean Ambrose- "Fuck sake you really worked to get that one in there."

Becky Lynch- "I know right, on my way here I was wondering how to fit that into conversation and that was the best that I could come up with."

Dean Ambrose- "You know Becky you're pretty cool. I like having you around here."

Becky Lynch- "Well thanks for that."

Dean and Becky got to work and by the time they had finished Becky's shift the fence was half done. It was now time for Seth Rollins to take over but as he showed up Vince McMahon stepped outside to light up a cigar. Seth heard Paul's front door open and jumped behind a hedge. Vince looked over and Dean was still painting.

Vince McMahon- "You are doing a decent job there Dean, keep it up."

Dean Ambrose- "Thank you, sir!"

Vince finished his cigar, threw the end away and went back inside and Seth came out from behind the hedge to help Dean.

Dean Ambrose- "That was so close."

Seth Rollins- "I know right."

Dean Ambrose- "Get over here and help me now."

Seth picked up the paintbrush and went over to Dean to help him with the fence. The rookies kept on switching places with each other to help Dean and Dean had three wooden slats left to paint when Paige showed up.

Paige Bevis- "Dean how many more of those do you need to paint?"

Dean Ambrose- "Just three, you don't need to help to be honest."

Paige Bevis- "I walked all the way here I need to help you in some way."

Dean Ambrose- "Fine grab a brush and help with the last few."

Dean aggressively stroked the brush against the wood when he painted meaning that paint sprayed everywhere from Dean's brush.

Paige Bevis- "Can you calm down there Dean you are getting me covered in paint."

Dean Ambrose- "The technique I'm using worked very well all day."

Paige laughed.

Paige Bevis- "I don't care quit it please."

Dean Ambrose- "It could be worse I could just paint your face instead."

Paige took the brush and painted Dean's mouth.

Paige Bevis- "What like that?"

Dean Ambrose- "You are getting it now."

Dean picked up the paint bucket and threw the remains paint at her. There was brown paint everywhere and Dean started laughing.

Paige Bevis- "Dean that's too far."

Paige threw the paintbrush at Dean and it hit his leg.

Dean Ambrose- "Your aim is a little off there. Just chill for a minute though I need to go tell Paul I'm done."

Dean knocked on the front door and let Paul know that he was going as Paige hid behind the same hedge that Seth did earlier.

Dean and Paige started the long walk home with wet paint still over them.

Seth, Becky, Sasha and Nikki were just hanging out in Sasha's room when Dean and Paige showed up at the door with a plastic bag in each of their hands.

Paige Bevis- "Hey my shower is only giving out cold water can I use any of yours?"

Everyone in the room looked at Dean weirdly then looked at Paige with the same look.

Nikki Bella- "Um sure, here's my key."

Nikki threw Paige her key and Paige went along to Nikki's to shower.

Dean Ambrose- "Yeah I'm home too if you need me I'll be in my room."

Dean went the opposite way that Nikki went to get to his own room.

Becky, Seth, Nikki and Sasha all looked at each other in confusion.

Sasha Banks- "Are those two dating?"

Seth Rollins- "Not that I know of but I can understand your question."

Becky Lynch- "So if those two aren't dating why did Dean have brown kiss marks on his face and why did Paige had painted brown lips?"

Seth Rollins- "I'm curious about that too and I know you guys are too. We need to get to the bottom of this."

Authors Note: How do you guys think that those kiss marks got on Dean's face? Remember to comment and vote for the Chapter.

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