Chapter 9.

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I woke up, not being able to feel any portion of my body. Allowing my eyes to flutter open I had to adjust to the lighting in the sky seeing as it was now dark and colder than before. 

My lips were probably blue and I wouldnt be surprised if I acquired frost bite. My phone buzzed in my pocket, my father ringing me on the other line. I slid my thumb across the glass screen to answer, "Hello?" I asked, my voice hoarse and shaking. 

"Brinley? Where are you? It's 10pm." he spoke calmly, "I-I must have fallen asleep here while being with Channing, Im sorry. I'll come home right away." I informed him. 

"Ok, that's fine. Your mother and I will not be home though due to the fact we're going on a trip for a week. We have to visit my your grandmother, she's in the hospital. There is five thousand dollars in the safe behind the portrait. Use it wisely." my dad spoke clearly. 

"Ok. Have a safe flight." I told him. "We will. Love you Brin." he said. I replied with a gentle love you too before hanging up and scrolling through my contacts. 

My finger hesitated over the contact before I began ringing. "Hello!" the masculine Australian accent crept it's way into the phone. 

"Hey uh. Can you come pick me up?" I stammered throughout most of my speaking as I ran my hand over the damped earth floor that has a soft white layer of snow.

"Sure. Is everything ok? Where are you?" he threw out 100 questions. I cut him off, "I-Im fine. The cemetery near Washington Square Park. And hurry please, it's cold." I silently cursed at myself as the frost found it's way into my body. 

I heard a quick ok as the phone hung up. I sat up and crossed my legs, looking at Channing's stone once more. 

"Hey Chan, I need to go.. Let's keep the black out between us ok?" I said silently as I traced the outlines of the french scripted name engraving. 

After about 15 mintues I heard a door slam and footsteps run towards me. "Brinley." Ashton breathed out. "It's bloody freezing out here. Have you been here all day?" He asked, worried. 

"I fell asleep.." I spoke calmly as my teeth chattered together causing them to pain my teeth. Ashton quickly rose me to my feet and picked me up, running to his car where I was placed in the front seat. 

I watched as he slid his rear against the hood of the car to make it quicker to the driver's side, allowing the vehicle to roar with life as he started it. Heat escaped the black vents and circulated around the car. 

"Give me your hands." he instructed. I nodded and gave him my palms in which were freezing cold compared to his warm textured skin. 

"Your lips are turning purple love." he chuckled while warming up my hands in his own. He pulled off his jumped and held it out for me. "Here, put it on." 

"You'll get cold." I told him, the chattering dying down slightly but was still noticeable. "Just do it." he pleaded. 

I stayed silent while taking my cardigan off to slip on his jumper, making my body temperature rise within seconds. 

"Can I get a hug?" I spoke gently. I saw the smile appear on his lips and his dimples cave into his cheeks. "Come here." he whispered as he pushed his chair back so there would be room for me to climb onto his lap. 

To be honest, I was hesitant, but I did not want to gain hypothermia so I gently made my way across the middle and onto his lap where he engulfed my miniature frame into his own. Every bone and dip in his body molding perfectly onto mine. 

His heat sent me into a frenzy as I scooted closer to him, allowing the temperatures to radiate against me.

"Would you like to stay the night?" I whispered, not daring to look into his eyes. "Of course." he spoke, and by the tone of his voice I could tell he had been smiling.


We walked into my building, the heat guiding us to the elevator and up the floors that lead to my loft. 

I unlocked the door and welcomed him in. I went to the kitchen to prepare hot chocolate while he got comfortable on the couch. 

We would be sleeping there I assume. I let the milk heat up as I ran up the stairs to my bedroom. I walked inside, the carpet not allowing my feet to make a sound. 

I went over to my dresser and pulled out a pair of leggings and a jumper of my own so I could return this one to it's owner that nestled downstairs on my couch. 

As I untied my shoes I quickly slid the jeans down my lightly tanned legs, cringing as they rubbed against my cuts. 

I shivered at the temperature, it still being too cold as I slipped on my black leggings along with black socks and red and white leg warmers that went half up my foot to below my knee. 

I slipped off his jumped, throwing it onto my bed as I took my top off and ran my fingers along the protruding bones that always needed to provoke me. I put my arms through the holes of my red jumper that matched the leg warmers as it had an eloquent hand writing that spelled the words Anything Can Happen.

I walked back downstairs, but grabbed a pair of my father's sweat pants that no longer fit his more built figure and a couple of blankets and pillows. 

I returned to Ashton, seeing his was slightly cold I handed him his jumper, thanking him as I set the items for him to change into along with to warm his body up. 

I made my way back into the kitchen to finish preparing the drinks. I know this had calories, major ones but I took the risk due to the icy state my body held within. 

I walked over to the living room and set the medium sized mugs among the coasters and sat next to Ashton, who was already changed and looking cozy.

"Do you like New York?" I asked him, looking into his hazel eyes that glanced back at my own color. "I like it alot.." he whispered before wrapping his arms around me and pulling me onto his lap while he layed us back comfortably and wrapped a blanket or two around our bodies and a pillow beneath our heads though, his chest was basically my pillow.

"When do you leave?" I spoke softly as he molded his left hand into my right and fit our fingers together perfectly. 

"Tomorrow night.."

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