Chapter 3.

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I walked into the New York shops that lined up and down the streets. 

I took the chance and walked into the giant Toys R Us, there werent many people due to it still being early morning.

The stalls lined with any toy you could possibly think of, but I made a bee-like move over to the Ferris wheel.

"Mummy! Please go on with me!!" I turned my head, seeing a girl maybe around the age of 6 begging her mom. 

"No Cathy." her mom spoke, "But this is our only day here mummy!!" she whined. 

I walked over,"Ma'am, Im planning on going on, I dont mind going with your daughter." I told her honestly.

The woman rubbed her temples as the little girl was begging like crazy, "fine." she sighed. 

I led the little girl over to the line while her mom watched as she was on her phone. 

I payed for both me and the girl and we got seated on the ferris wheel, "Thank you!" she squeaked and hugged me. 

I patted her and smiled, "You're welcome darling." I told her, her toothy grin warming my heart.

The ferris wheel rode up to the tippy top and stopped, over looking the gigantic store full of assorted toys.

It was as if we were in a factory. I dont know but it was amazing to be at this view. 

"ASHTON, CAN WE GO ON THE FERRIS WHEEL PLEASE." A voice yelled near the bottom. 

The ride began going down, once I got me and the little girl out I led her back to her mother. 

"Thank you so much. Here-" she began handing me money for paying money for her daughter, "Oh no. It's fine." I shook my head.

"Are you sure?" she asked me. 

I nodded and smiled, "Keep your money." I told her as she thanked me once more and walked off with her daughter babbling about how cool it was.

I stood up straight and looked at the time on my phone, it read 11:32am. 

I whipped my head to loud hollering, it was 5SOS. On the ferris wheel. I locked eyes with all 4 of them. 

"ITS THE GIRL!!" Michael yelled, "HEY GUY, GET US DOWN. QUICKLY." 

The man listened, I took the opportunity to run out of the store, I looked both ways before heading towards LUSH Cosmetics. 

I didnt hesitate when it came to running, I most certainly did NOT look back. 

I made a quick right onto the next street, ran a wee bit more, ran across the street and into the 2nd shop from the end. 

The scent of LUSH filled my senses, it was a frenzy. 

I silently thanked myself for choosing to come here, I needed new products anyways. 

I grabbed a small basket like thing and began grabbing the items I needed. 

Bath Bombs


Shower Gel, Jellies, Smoothie, Scrub




Face Masks


After grabbing the multiple things I needed, I went to pay for my items. 

I had discounts and such, and had an employee discount, along with a store one. 

"Your total is 297.03" she told me. I payed the amount and thanked her, as I looked past the glass windows to see them on the other side of the street.

I turned back to the employee, "Uh, do you mind if I leave from the back entrance?" I asked hesitantly and rather rushed. 

She nodded and led me through the back just as soon as the door closed I heard the voices of 5SOS.

My breathing was uneven and I thanked the lady as I left out the store and walked through the alley to the street. 

I turned to look around, seeing as I was in the main part of New York City. 

I called for a taxi and one stopped shortly. I got inside, "Forever 21 please." I told the driver. 

He nodded and began driving, he turned to me, "Ma'am do you mind if we pick anyone else up?" 

I shook my head no and put my headphones on, sinking into my own world as I played with my tights. 


We flagged down a taxi, were we never going to find this girl?

I sighed as the taxi pulled up, he asked if we minded carpooling with someone else, since we didnt we all got in. 

I slid into the back first not paying attention as Michael and Luke tried squeezing back here as well, we smushed the person that was already in here.

"Ow!" a female's voice groaned, pulling her headphones out.

Her eyes widened and she pinched the bridge of her nose, "Its you!" Luke said happily. 

She rolled her eyes, "Yup." she told us, pulling her skirt down some and lower than what I had thought. 

Her hands seemed to rub her thighs alot, that's when I got the message. 

"May I see your phone?" I asked her politely. 

"Why?" she asked, trying not to snap. 

"Please" I asked once more, I was ready to give up when she sighed and handed me the white iphone5 with a disney case. 


I quickly input my number and texted myself, deleting the text from her phone after. 

"Thanks." I told her as I handed it back, she just nodded and looked out the window. 

"Oh sir, this is my stop." She told the man, handing him $25. She grabbed her LUSH bag and quickly got out, closing the door after her. 

She ran inside Forever 21. Women and their obsession with that store, I will never grasp. 

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