Chapter 14.

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I looked directly into his eyes, the sexual tension in the bedroom surely rising by the second.


I bit my lip softly, observing the way his muscles tightened and un-tightened. 

"What am I doing?" he asked himself before taking a few strides my way before holding me close to his body. He swayed us back and forth as no music filled the silent room. 

"Will you show me? All of it.. Please.." his voice hoarse, and I understood what he was referring to.

I pulled my face away from his neck, allowing myself to look at his face fully. Heartbreak was written on it and I could tell he wanted to help.

(Please listen to the song on the side now, thank you. x )

I bit my lip once more and nodded to him, taking his hand and leading him over to the bathroom. He followed in suit as I stepped onto the tile flooring. 

I sat on the toilet to take off my Dr. Martens, watching as Ashton began helping me do so. I stood out of my shoes, allowing my body to shrink an inch against his height as he reached slowly for my pants button, I allowed him to unbutton then as we both gently shrugged my pants down and letting me step out of them. 

I didnt see lust in his eyes, I saw a clear coat of salty tears fill up. He sat on the tub, being able to see the cuts rather clearly. There were still cuts healing, my new ones from the cemetery, the numerous amount of scars. 

"Brinley.." he choked out, placing gentle hands on my thighs, feeling the markings. He rested his head on my stomach, wrapping his masculine arms around my legs, holding me between his own as I felt the warmth of his tears fall onto my skin. 

I picked his head up, "P-please dont cry.." I stuttered, not being able to handle a crying Ashton. It pained me to see anyone cry, and seeing him do so, because of my own personal infliction.. It shot pains throughout my whole body.

Thus causing tears to form within my own eyes, falling down my cheeks and onto my sweater. 

"B-Brinley.. Please.. Please d-dont do t-this a-again.." he choked on his words as the tears descended his face, going onto his neck and seeping into the material of his own top. 

I cupped his face within my hands, wiping his tears with my thumbs as tears fell down my own. I smiled through the tears and looked at the beautiful, hurt boy infront of me. 

"I- I cant promise.. But, I.. I w-will tr- try.." I spoke, breathing for awkward pauses as my tears captured my only source of oxygen. 

I leaned down and kissed his cheek softly, the tears falling from both of our eyes. He gently picked me up in his arms and took me to the king bed and set me down under the covers, sliding in after to just hold me to him. 

"I want to protect you.." he whispered into my neck as my back rested upon his chest.  "I will never stop trying.." he told me softly. I leaned into him as one of his hands grazed my leg, where the newer cut lied. "You're so beautiful.." he croaked, and I knew the tears were forming upon his features once more. 

I turned to face him gently, our faces centimeters apart. I reached up to wipe away the falling tear. "You're too special to cry Ashton.." I told him softly. He pulled my closer so that my head was rested on his chest, though we were on our sides. 

I closed my eyes, as tiredness fell upon me and the last thing I knew was Ashton softly singing Never Stop by Safetysuit 


I woke up in an empty bed, and to see that my pants were back on my body. I would have to thank Ashton for that. 

What had happened a few hours ago, I never expected that to ever happen, yet it did. Ashton saw my pain and didnt judge me for it. He showed emotion and cried for me. Something I rarely got. Something not even my parents could give me. 

My parents. 

I jumped out of the bed and ran over to my purse in the main area where I had left it and grabbed my phone hastily out from it. I turned it on to see I had 6 text messages. 1 from Riley the rest from my mother. 

Mom: Got the note. 

Mom: Dad doesnt know yet. You know he wont allow it. 

Mom: You better be fucking grateful Im covering for you. 

Mom: Brinley. 

Mom: You need to answer me. 

Mom: NOW. 

I got the hint and rang my mom, sitting on the sofa in the hotel room. She answered within the first 3 rings. 

"Hi mom." I told her casually. "Brinley, who are you staying with." she said automatically, no hi or anything. "Ashton." I told her simply, there was no point in lying. If I were to lie and they find out the truth I would be in worst pain than if I were to just tell her the truth. 

"A boy? You flew to the other side of the country, to be with a boy?" she spat. I nodded but soon realized she couldnt see me. I sighed and ran my fingers behind my neck as I told her yes. 

"What if your father was to find out?" she told me. I closed my eyes, honestly not wanting to think of it. It pained me to think of any time that my father was raged and I was the punching bag. 

"I- I dont know mom. I never thought of it. I did good for dad. I got signed.. It's just a few days, I'll be back in perfect condition. No pregnancy, or diseases, or anything." I told her in all honesty, noting that none of these things will be occurring. 

"You better hope you come back the same way you left." she told me, "Bye Brinley." I returned the dismissal and locked my phone before leaning my head back and feeling a pair of hands rub my shoulders softly. I knew who the pair of hands belonged to automatically. 

"Thank you Ashton." I spoke while looking up at him, his dimpled smile returning the gesture.

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