Chapter 38.

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I sat in the uncomfortable chair placed an okay distance away from Brinley's hospital bed. The doctors are running tests to try and see if they can figure out the cause for her black out, but currently they're just as clueless as us. 

Will the black out affect her amnesia more and cause her to forget more people? I dont know. Will it cause her to remember everything she has forgotten? I hope so.

Gripping her limp hand in my own, my phone buzzed with a text message from Michael saying that they had just landed in the first airport and they'd call in a few. They have a 3 hour lay over and Im just trying to figure out what I will say to them. 

The doctors walk in, asking me to leave the room for a few moments, I nod and dismiss myself as they look over Brinley once again.

My phone began ringing as Michael's face showed, I hesitantly answered as I was greeted with wide-awake voices. 

I looked at my mom, panicked as I listened to the boys for a moment. 

"Hey Ri, how is everything over there?" Michael's voice asked first. Should I tell him? Should I not? Just as I was about to answer the doctor's came out of the room and I quickly hung up. 

"Well, what we can tell you is that she has PTA which is Post-traumatic amnesia and one of these symptoms is that she can lose consciousness often for a while. I think you should keep her on these two medications and take her to therapy every week to help her regain her memory. She doesnt seem to have lost anymore than what she had before so that is a good sign, but we cant guarantee she remembered much." he spoke, handing me a paper that held two prescriptions

I nodded, thanking him before going into her room with my mom following behind to help me watch a slumbering angel. My phone began ringing again and this time, I sent it to voice mail. 


No one was answering. Riley randomly hung up. Brinley wont answer, neither will Anna and I need to know what's going on because obviously something had happened if this is going on. The boys are reassuring me that they're probably just having a girls day or maybe thy're asleep or something but I just dont know. 

I have this gut feeling that something bad happened with the love of my life and I dont know how to handle it if anything else happened to her. If she was in the hospital again or if she cut again or anything. I just want her to be better. Not for me but for herself. I want to be better for her, and help her get better but I cant, it just doesnt work for me.


I woke up to a white room, and I knew I was in the hospital. Hovering over me was a too familiar figure, and it took a bit for my eyes to catch up with my brain. 

"R-Ri-" I was cut off by this woman holding her hand over my mouth. My eyes widened as her devilish grin fell into place. "Oh my darling Brinley. Look at you, in a hospital yet again. You know, your father wants to see you, and his bond is almost payed for. Ive been disappointed in you since you messed up the very first time. Its quite funny actually because I knew about everything you were doing yourself. 

You were built, muscular, beautiful. Did you honestly think that I would not notice my own daughter getting to the point where she was skin and bones? All the blood stained sweat pants I've thrown away. All the razors found in the trash can after having the people pick up. Oh sweetheart, me and your father envied Channing's parents. Not only did they have an outgoing daughter, but she wasnt a disappointment. 

Oh no, actually. She became a selfish daughter instead when she took her own life. What a pity. Though it wouldnt be selfish for you because me and your father have wanted you gone for a while. 

Brinley there was a reason I didnt stop your father. There were reasons I left you alone. I knew what you did and I honestly didnt care anymore. You're lucky I covered for you that one time when you were across the states but look where that got you. You're bruised and disgusting. Scarred and bones. Where is your little boyfriend now? Oh yeah, he's on his way back home. 

But wait, you dont remember him. Man did he have it bad for you, but his sorry self couldnt meet the standards of a good college boy who had a future and could change you for the better. This rat just embraced the faults you gave yourself and I could not be mortified enough. But it seems I have. Well, I'll be seeing you soon daughter." her curled hair flowed behind her as she walked away in a pencil skirt and a fitted blouse and heels to high for her to stand in. 


I sat on my bed, listening to soothing voice of Sia as she sings Breathe Me. Her voice giving me the satisfaction of what I felt. My head still spun due to the medicine I have to take every morning and night. 

Ashton has called,  a lot. But I cant bring myself to talk to him. I blow him off every time he has asked to skype, or facetime, or anything. I have officially shut off my phone. It's been a week and I havent had contact with anyone but Riley and Anna. I still barely eat and now I see a therapist. The event that had occurred with my mother has me scared for my life. I cant sleep peacefully anymore because I know that once my dad is out of prison this is the first place they'll look for me. 

I dont know when the boys get back, or if they're coming back. Riley doesnt inform me anymore and Im glad she doesnt, it helps for me to not feel guilty about not wanting to contact anyone. When the rain comes I sit in the sprinkles the pour into the balcony and watch the city streets pass by in their daily lives while mine is on this endless repeat that I wont be able to break away from. 

There was a gentle knock on my door, Riley's voice coming out from it. "Brinley?" she asked softly, peeking from my door as she has been doing for the past week. The door shut behind her as she held a small tray holding tea and crackers just in case I would want them. 

I held the pendant on Channing's necklace between my fingers as I took a deep breath. "Riley?" I asked, looking up at her before she left my room. She nodded at me, acknowledging me to allow me to go on with my sentence. 

"I.. I know that my chances of remembering the forgotten memories at the moment are 25 to 100 and its slim. I know that I've been avoiding everyone. But I havent been able to fully thank you.. To thank you for everything. You have done so much for me and you havent even realized that you have done this for me. You took me in after I was almost killed by my father. You try and feed me even though we both know that is very difficult and I just cant progress that quickly. You give me my medicine and help me through my amnesia even tough it can be a real big pain in the ass. 

But most importantly I want to thank you for being my friend again. I didnt think that I would be this close to someone ever again after Channing died. I thought I would end up dying sooner from blood loss and starvation but you proved me wrong. Luke, Calum, Michael and Ashton proved me wrong. I love you all even though some things I don't remember. But I especially love you because you are no longer my best friend but my sister. Thank you for saving my life..." I spoke, allowing the tears to flow freely from my face.

Sniffles filled the bedroom as Riley sat infront of me, the tears literally pouring from her eyes as her nose became a tinted cherry color. The moment closed with a simple, yet meaningful hug that I think everyone needed. 

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