Chapter 30

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I didnt know where I was, it was just a vast area of nothing. Literally. 

All I could see was an endless scenery of white clouds. I knew I wasnt in heaven, and I knew I wasnt in hell. Is this what being dead feels like? Because it feels odd. 

Like out of place. I dont know. 

"Ashton?! Riley?! Luke, Calum Michael?! Anna?!" I yelled, but the vocals drowned out right as they left my mouth. It was as if I was in this bubble and I cant do anything. I had no way of communication.

I was alone. 

Ashton POV

Its been a week that Brinley has been in the hospital, and she has shone no sign of progress and it hurts. I honestly just want her wake up so I can hold her in my arms and cry into her, wanting to show her how much she meant to me. 

(play audio on the side now please)

I watched as Brinley ran into the small field of white daisies. Laughing as the sun shone onto her face and the cool wind whipped around her. 

"Ashton! Come dance with me!" she laughed as her body twirled in her white dress, she resembled an angel as small flowers appeared in her hair. I walked over to her, taking her hand in my own as she spun to me, a small laugh filled the air as we danced to the rhythmic beats of the tune in our minds that we hummed together. 

"Do you hear that love?" she whispered before spinning behind me and hugging me from behind, kissing the back of my neck before gaining the opportunity to reface me to allow me to slow dance with her, to act as though we were random gusts in the wind meeting paths and sharing an embrace for a lifetime. 

Brinley took a few small flowers from the patches beneath our feet and planted them in random spots among my wild hair as a bandana warmed my forehead. 

"How are you not freezing?" I asked, chuckling lightly as her scarred thighs radiated from the sun, her body looking as stunning as ever. "Because, I have too many butterflies to feel cold." she spoke in that voice that rose your voice in goosebumps and gave chills to your spine. 


"Brinley!!" I yelled as I searched around the park as we played Hide and Seek. She was no where to be found, and I had no clue as to where she could be, I didnt know Central Park like she had. 

   I want you to find me.

Her voice filled my ears and I knew she wasnt close because it felt like as if she was here in my ear, just talking to me. I turned a full 360, trying to spot her out. And it was difficult. There were so many hiding spots here that it'd be a full on search to find her within the hour. 

Feeling a tap on my right shoulder, I looked in that direction but to see nothing. I got confused and looked to my left where I thought she might be but I knew she wasnt. 

I turned behind me quickly to have my lips met with another pair, and I automatically knew who they belong to. 

"Does this mean I found you?" I smiled as she shook her head, "No Ashton, but you suck at this game so I thought I'd give you some leeway." she showed off her perfect teeth while lacing our fingers together, having them fit exotically like a puzzle. 


I pulled Brinley into my arms for the first time as we sat together on her leather couch, both of us nervous of her parents walking through. 

Hot chocolate sat on the coffee table as the television allowed noise into the room. She was cold, but I figured that since it's been chilly here. 

I wrapped my arms closer around her, until they easily encircled her entire body causing our bodies to mold together under the cover to keep warmth as we drifted to sleep after discussing the time I was to leave


"Ashton, do you think this is going to work out?" Brinley asked over the computer screen as we skyped each other from distances away. Her messy bun, and makeup less face caused me to smile. 

I took a deep breath, "Brin, anything can happen if you truly believe it can. And love, I believe this can happen, that this, us, we will work out and we will be happy. You cant allow the bad to keep you from feeling happy with me. I wont hurt you." I told her honestly. 

She teared up a tad but she was smiling, which I knew was a good sign as soon as I saw her hand touch the screen, I reached up following in suit as I matched her. "I miss you." we spoke simultaneously. 

I allowed the tears to fall from my face as the memories I've shared with her flowed through my mind and I had no clue as if there were more to come. The doctors would come in and out of the room constantly but there was no definite she will wake up

Her condition was critical and I just needed her to be okay. 

Brinley POV

I tried pushing the clouds away, to call out for someone, to try to find a way out of this place. To get back home til I remembered the last events that led up to this moment in time.

I was choked to death by my father, and I guess it wasnt such a bad way to die. I mean, it hurt a bit but at least I knew I would be okay. 

"Brinley.." a soft voice spoke, and I was so confused as to what was going on and I tried calling out but the damn voice diminishing thing happened once more. 

"Please be okay..." I heard sniffles and a chorus of voices with a sound that I couldnt put to fact. I had no clue as to what was going on and it killed me not to know. Not to actually be wherever I was. 

What was I even to do here? Sit around? Play catch with air? Count the air molecules? 

I had not a single idea. 

Suddenly my chest begin aching really badly and the white began fading into a dark gray. 

Was this the official end? Was I going to die in some way, shape, or form? Was it over?

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