18 | Explanation and Determination

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"You are free
to choose, but you
are not free from the
consequence of
your choice."
- - -

Papyrus sat across from Sans and I, looking at both of us very closely. After Papyrus had heard me, he became very curious as to what I had meant by saying "done it once." Sans was sitting beside me, shifting uncomfortably in his spot on the couch.

"WELL, BROTHER, HUMAN.. I AM AWAITING AN ANSWER." Papyrus was sitting in front of the couch, his legs were crossed over each other as he stared at Sans and I with a curious expression.

He's too innocent for this.

I have to find a way out of this situation.

I glanced over to the door and just as I was about to bolt, Sans gripped my wrist. Did he just read my mind or something? I looked back to Sans and I searched his expression. He was giving me a pleading look, begging me not to leave him alone with Papyrus. I smirked and leaned over to where his ear was supposed to be before quietly speaking.

"I may love you, but I don't love you this much." I moved away from Sans and he looked horrified, watching me get up from the couch and walking over to the door. "Well, I'm off! I have some, uh.. Business to take care of." I opened up the door and walked out, shutting it behind me.

I took a few steps away from the front to to the cozy looking house but I heard some loud crashed and yells from inside.

"BROTHER, WHAT ARE YOU DOING?" I heard Papyrus yell from inside of the house.

"Cleaning, papy. Cleaning." I arched an eyebrow, wondering why Sans was cleaning. He never cleaned!

"WHY ARE YOU?.. SANS.. ARE YOU.. PICKING UP.. YOUR.. SOCK?!" I put my hand over my face, sighing. Sans was doing that trick. "SANS, BROTHER. I AM SO PROUD OF YOU!" I let out a quiet laugh, shaking my head a bit. "I HAVE FORGOTTEN WHAT WE WERE PREVIOUSLY SPEAKING ABOUT BUT I DO NOT CARE! YOU HAVE PICKEN UP YOUR SOCK!" I walked off, going over to Grillby's. I needed some food anyway.

I felt a little bad for leaving Sans with Papyrus.

But just a little.

The smell of food made my mouth water, not literally though. That would be weird, seeing me with a watery mouth. I neared the diner and opened the door, hearing a bell chime. The monsters that were already in the diner didn't bother to stop and look at me, they did as they have always done. Talking, eating, and nuzzling? Yeah, nuzzling.

I went over to the bar and sat down in the second stool closet to the jukebox. I knew that the seat to the right of me was Sans's favorite spot. No one but him ever sat there.

I looked up, seeing Grillby standing in front of me with somewhat of a.. Knowing look? For some reason, he made me feel a little more comfortable. Perhaps he could be a good friend of mine in the near future. Grillby was cleaning a glass with a rag, he was always cleaning the same glass too, which was weird.

"He asks what would you like." A voice spoke from beside me. I looked over to my left, seeing a bird looking monster. It was a her and she was holding a half empty glass full of what I assumed to be a kind of alcohol.

"Who?" I question, looking at her with an expression full of confusion.

"Grillby." She responded, glancing over to the tall, slender, fire monster. I looked over to Grillby and smiled.

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