25 | The Finale

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"She's my queen."
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We approach WaterFall, it's quiet and empty. The air is filled with despair and everyone seems on edge. You gulp and look around as you walk, clutching onto your chest, where your heart was. You felt like you could feel the deceased monster's pain and agony as they were killed. The silly old turtle had his shell crushed in, Shyrin had her gills torn off, guards one and two died in each other's arms, and Undyne.. You didn't want to go into detail about Undyne's death.

Tears clawed at your eyes, begging be able to escape, you held them in. Now was not the time to mourn for your friends. Now was the time to avenge them, to give Jason and Error what they deserved for tearing apart such a happy and cheerful place. It would never be the same now because of them. You stopped clutching your chest and let your arms fall to your sides, then a cold hand wrapped itself around yours.


You still had him.

Him and Papyrus, they were all you had left. Your only family that had been left alive.

There was no way in hell you were going to let them suffer like these innocent monsters did. Not in a million years, not ever. As the queen of your empire, you'd protect your castle with your life. They were your castle, the place you called home. You sighed, shaking from being so filled with determination to set things right. Your soul, it was the soul of the protector.

The monsters you once held close and called family were not going to have died in vain, no, they were going to be avenged and that's for sure.

No one spoke as you passed through WaterFall. No one had anything to say, nor did they even want to say anything. You were sure everyone was thinking the same thing, you could just sense it somehow. All the skeletons that were helping you now each had a little determination of their own.

Sans.. He was determined to keep you and Papyrus safe and out of harms way.

Papyrus was determined to fight and not let anyone get hurt like these innocent monsters did.

Blueberry was determined to change this human, he knew that they had to have at least a little mercy in them.

Geno was determined to make this sick bastard pay for his sins.

Edgy was especially determined to kill the human, he was very set on beating the crap out of them whenever he could get the chance to.

Chill Pap was determined to protect his older brother even if it cost his own life.

And lastly, Morbid Pap was determined to rid this human of his pathetic and sad existence, no monster should have had to of been killed in these ways.

The group and yourself passed through WaterFall with ease although the aura in the air made chills go down your spine. Now on to HotLands. You weren't ready to see what had happened to the monsters here, you didn't want to know at all. Past images flashed into your mind and a lump creeped its way into your throat, urging you to cry out from the agony that seeped through your head and into the rest of your body.

Alphys, the royal scientist, had committed suicide from seeing all of her friends murdered. Nice-Cream guy ended up.. You stopped there, not wanting to make yourself hurl from the memories of the deceased. You didn't really understand how you could tell how each monster died, but you thought it had something to do with Gaster. Perhaps he wanted to fuel you with the determination to right the wrongs Jason had committed. You understood.

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