16 | But Nobody Came

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"I do everything
that you ask. I
always come when
you call."
- - -

"F/n?" Sans touched my shoulder gently, snapping me out of my trance. I looked over to him, wondering why he even worried for me. Sure, we had shared some moments, but did I really even know this skeleton? "You're kinda scarin' me, kid." Sans moved his hand away from me and I frowned.

"Sorry." I mumbled, looking away from him. He had started calling me kid again, was it because he's stopped caring for me? Maybe. "I'm.. Really sorry." I repeated my apology, not really knowing what I was apologizing for. Sans had a worried expression playing across his face although his smile had stayed there permanently. "I'm okay."

It had been a few days after I told Sans and Papyrus about what I dreamt about. I left out the parts about the other versions of Sans, I thought that they'd call me crazy if I had told them about that part.

"Listen, I know that you're not okay." Sans started. He shifted slightly on the couch so he could face me a bit better. "And I know that it's because of your dreams. But you have to trust Papyrus and I, okay? We're going to protect you no matter what." Sans sighed. "Can you do at least that? Can you trust us?" He sounded kind of irritated, which wanted to make me cry. Was I really coming off that way?

"I do trust you and Papyrus, I really do!" I raised my voice slightly. "I don't know why I'm being like this.." I stood up from the couch and walked a few steps away before hugging myself. Tears threatened to spill. "Please, you have to understand, Sans." I turned around, facing him. He was still sitting on the couch, looking up at me.

I shook my head and walked over towards the front door, putting my hand on the doorknob. "Where are you going?" Sans asked, tone laced with concern. I didn't need his pity, not now.

"Out." I quietly responded, not wanting to talk anymore. I opened the door and walked out before closing it behind me. The cold air stung my sensitive skin, it felt like needles. I huffed out a quiet curse and walked off, going towards WaterFall. I wanted to see the beautiful blue flowers again, they could calm me down more than Sans could at the moment.

The only sounds I could hear were my shallow breaths and my footsteps crunching on the snow.

It's not my fault that he can't understand.

It's not my fault that he thinks I'm crazy.

Am I crazy?

Does he even love me?

Finally, the sweet sensation of tears fell upon me. They slid down my cheeks to my chin then fell to the ground. The lump in my throat gave out and I began to sob uncontrollably as I fell to my knees in the snow. I was just by the exit to Snowdin. I was so close.

"HUMAN?" A familiar voice called out. I knew who it was, I wish they hadn't come. I desperately wanted them to leave and let me cry to the point of hyperventilation.

I ignored it and covered my face, trying to control my sobs. My legs felt numb along with my feet and arms. I was so cold, but I didn't care. I accepted the freezing snow as it covered my legs, freezing them to the point I couldn't feel that all anymore.

"HUMAN!" The voice was louder now. He was close by and I knew it.

"Go away!" I wanted to call out, but my voice wouldn't come out. The only thing I had managed to call out were quiet mumbles. How long had I been out here again?

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