17 | I Love You

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"It's funny how
sometimes the people
you'd take a bullet for,
are the ones
behind the trigger."
- - -

"I can't have this." They mumbled and let out a groan of irritation. "She's all I've wanted, yet she's been taken away by some.. Thing." They grip the sides of their head and their eyes twitched from insanity. They used to be so normal. So human.

"She's forgotten me."


My eyes flutter open and I realize I'm still in Sans's arms. A small smile appeared on my face, complimenting my features. Then I remembered yesterday, which made my smile fade into a frown.


The name popped up into my mind and I held back the urge to cry. I couldn't get the peppy skeleton out of my head and it was driving me insane. I couldn't exactly move since Sans was holding onto me tightly, keeping me in his grasp. It's as if he didn't ever want to let me go.

He's too good for me.

I wanted to slap myself for thinking that. But I was hesitant to get rid of that thought, perhaps it was true? Maybe Sans was just too good for you. I sighed and gently put my hand on his cheekbone, which made him slowly open his eye sockets a bit. He looked tired.

"Hey." Sans mumbled tiredly, looking down at me.

"Hey.." I said back, looking away from him from embarrassment. I didn't even know why I was embarrassed. "So, um.. How's that thing you've got going on with you?" I asked, but immediately regretted my decision. That was a stupid question to ask him.

A shade of blue dusted across Sans's cheeks.

"Uh.. Good. Better, even." Sans put a casual grin across his face instead of a tired one. "How'd you sleep?"

"Well." I responded casually. I was a bit surprised I hadn't have a nightmare. Instead, I dreamt of Sans holding onto me, saying sweet things to me. When I look back on it now, I felt a bit flustered. Why would I even dream of something like that? I had no complaints, it was a really good dream, but it was weird too.

"That's good." Sans let his grip on me loosen and I mentally sighed out of relief. I felt a little trapped and pretty awkward being up against him like this. I got off of his lap and instead sat down on the spot next to him. "You wanna do anything today?" He asked, still watching me closely.

"I think I've been through enough outdoors yesterday." I leaned against him a bit and he leaned right back towards me. "I thought that maybe we could just hang out and stuff." I suggest, even though I really was kind of dying to do something else. It could get pretty boring just staying cooped up in this house all the time. Again, I would never say this out loud.

"Sure thing, queen." Sans grabbed the remote to the tv that had been lying on the floor just in front of the couch. He flicked on the tv and the only good show that was one was a dumb movie with Mettaton starring in all of the roles. Oh well. During the middle of the movie Sans decided to do the "fake yawn" trick on me. I totally knew that wasn't a yawn. So now his arm was around my shoulders and he kept me close. I had to admit that this side of him was the one I fell in love with.

Was it still too early to even say that?

You didn't care.

"I love you." I stated out loud, which earned a surprised "huh" from Sans. I looked over at him and smiled slightly. "I. Love. You." I said slower, dragging out the letter at the end of each word. I saw his grin widen incredibly large, like he had just seen a unicorn.

You wondered if Sans even knew what a unicorn was.

You decided not to ask.

"Well?" I ask, furrowing my eyebrows.

"Well what?" Sans questioned, obviously being oblivious and dense.

"Aren't you going to say it back?" I narrowed my eyes disapprovingly at him and he snorted as he saw my expression, but then he realized I wasn't joking. Why would I even joke about this? He suddenly became serious.

"I love you too, f/n." He rested his forehead against mine and my cheeks flushed a bright red, burning intensely. Sans set down the remote and moved his now free hand to my cheek, caressing it lovingly. The color to my cheeks explored over to the tips of my ears, staying there at its new territory. I must've looked like a tomato by now.

Sans leaned forward just a bit, letting his teeth barely touch my lips. Our eyes stayed open and we focused on each other. The sexual tension was seriously high and it was starting to make me feel uncomfortable. I couldn't help it anymore.

I leaned forward, ending the agonizingly slow process of teasing.

My lips touched his teeth and we both closed our eyes, enjoying this moment while it lasted. I honesty would never get used to his kisses. Sadly our moment had to end because of the stupid need of air.

I was the first to move away and Sans moved away a few seconds later. We didn't break eye contact.

I should say something.

"Sans, why do you call me queen?" I had been wanting to ask this question ever since he came up with the nickname. His grin grew.

"Because you're my queen." Sans winked, making you're already red cheeks deepen in color.

"Then that makes you my king." I smirked as I saw his own blue blush deepen in color. Sweet, sweet payback. I threw my arms around his neck and hugged him close. Sans had been shocked but he eventually hugged back.

He was a little confused as to why you hugged him.

"I can't believe I said it!" I thought out loud, making Sans chuckle at my behavior. "And to think we've already done it once and I didn't even say it then!" I probably went a little too far right then and there. Also, hadn't I been forgetting a certain someone?

"WHAT IN ASGORE'S HOLY NAME ARE YOU TWO TALKING ABOUT?!" A loud, very discomforted, and bothered voice yelled out.

You totally forgot about Papyrus.

Sans looked at you, eye sockets widened to an abnormally large size.

You looked back at him with the same expression.

You both had forgotten about Papyrus.

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- 1097 words

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