6 | Sword Fish? More Like Spear Fish.

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"How lucky I am
to have something
that makes saying
goodbye so hard."
- - -

The room went white and black. I was still in Sans' sleeping arms as this fish looking lady started a fight. I looked at Papyrus, silently pleading for help. A small yellow dinosaur looking monster who wore a lab coat gently tugged on Undyne's short.

"U-Undyne.. Pl-please don't fight th-them." She kind of begged, looking up at Undyne. Undyne looked down to what I assumed to be a her and sighed.

"Alphys, you better have a good reason to stop me from fighting this punk." Undyne grumbled before the room turned back to it's usual color. I let out a shaky breath. I wished I could get out of this skeleton's grasp, no matter how warm and comforting it was.

"WELL THEN. I, THE GREAT PAPYRUS, WILL GO MAKE SOME SPAGHETTI FOR YOU TWO." Papyrus smiled and left the room after saying "NYEH HEH HEH" which was pretty funny. Sans finally stirred and opened his eyes, which immediately saw me. He looked around and noticed Undyne and the yellow monster, which made his cheekbones turn a dark shade of blue, then his smile widened.

"Hey f/n, wanna know what kinda fish Undyne is?" Sans looked back to me and I arched a brow curously.
"Uh, sure Sans." I glance over to Undyne who looked like she was about to murder Sans and I.

"She's a sword fish." He whispered so I could only hear him. I laughed pretty hard at his joke and Undyne was left confused, wondering what Sans had whispered. Sans let me out of his arms so I moved over to the other side of the couch, away from him. I was obviously embarrassed but he seemed to look as calm as ever. Maybe I'm overreacting?

In Sans' mind...
They saw us they saw us they saw us they saw us oh dear oh dear oh dear oh no no no no no no why me-

Back to you...
I sighed and looked at the yellow monster that was standing next to Undyne. She looked uncomfortable and kept eyeing Sans and I. Was she blushing too? I shrugged the unanswered question off and focused more on Undyne. She kept on staring at me with a look of hatred. I don't know what I did to deserve that kind of look, but I didn't have the guts to say anything to her.

After a while of awkward silence and Papyrus humming a small tune while cooking, he was finally done. Papyrus came into the living room and gave us plates full of spaghetti. Sans looked down at his food and waited for Papyrus to leave the room so he could quickly discard of it. Undyne technically inhaled the food, not stopping to chew at all. The yellow monster, whoms name I did not know, ate the food quietly, although she had gagged a few times. I had done what she did since I wanted to see Pap happy.


"Sounds fun Pap.." I pause and glance to the front door before continuing. "I'm going to take a walk, so don't the too much fun without me!" I smile and excuse myself before walking out of the cozy house. I release a deep breath and walk towards the exit of Snowdin. It's time I continue on this "journey".
"I guess I should tell Papyrus that you're not comin back, huh?" A deep voice suddenly spoke up from behind me.

"Sorry Sans.. But I don't want to burden you guys anymore. Oh and thanks for staying with me last night, it meant a lot." I didn't turn around or even take a glance back at Sans as I spoke.

".. Well, tibia honest, I didn't think you were being a nuisance." I heard footsteps behind me, they were coming closer to me. I then felt a hand on my right shoulder.

"You don't have to lie Sans. Everyone thinks I'm a nuisance." I shrug his hand off of my shoulder and walk away, leaving him to stand alone.
As I walk to the place called Waterfall, Sans muttered something under his breath.
"But.. I wasn't lying."

- - -
Sorry that this is so
short everyone, I ran out
of ideas for this chapter.
The next one will be the
usual length, which is around
1000+ words. ^^
- Lazarus

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