3 | Dreaming About Him

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"In order to
succeed we must
first believe, then
we can."
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Your POV
I was still following the taller skeleton's footprints. I had also gotten sidetracked a few times along the way too. I found this bright star looking thing and when I reached out to touch it, a screen popped up right in front of me; it was like some kind of saving menu, so I ultimately decided to give it a try and saved my 'progress', if you will.

Right now, I'm walking towards one of Papyrus' puzzles. There was some disgustingly cold-looking spaghetti setting itself upon a white plate with a note and a gray microwave beside it as well. The spaghetti seemed to almost be practically frozen to the plate and the plate was also, dear god, frozen to the table that everything was on; how long had these things been out here?!

I read the note and let out a small laugh after finishing it. The note was Papyrus telling me that he put this spaghetti here to stall me, he was just too silly, although it did definitely work in catching my attention. I gently set the note back down and then continued on my way. It was actually starting to get pretty cold out here, I didn't have a jacket or a scarf. I hugged myself as tight as I possibly could and looked around. For some odd reason I felt lost, even though I was going the right way; I had to be, right?

After a few more minutes of walking, the cold was getting to be way too much. I had been out here with little to no protection for what seemed like hours. My skin had turned deathly pale and I was guessing my lips looked excruciatingly blue. With a few more shaky steps towards my goal, I eventually ended up collapsing into the cold snow; it felt extremely soft to the touch, but it stung too. Then I heard footsteps coming towards my limp figure. The last thing that I saw before passing out were a pair of fluffy pink slippers.

Almost an hour later...

"She looks almost as pale as us. She looks deathly pale."



I slowly opened my eyes and immediately recognized the two voices that I was hearing. Papyrus was on his knees and looking at my face, while Sans was right beside him; an amused grin smack-dab across his skull

"Hey kiddo, you okay?" Sans asked, his voice was actually a little laced with a sense of concern. Papyrus looked way more concerned than Sans did though — it was written across the entirety of his own skull.

"I'm fine, and Papyrus.. I'm Sorry that I didn't get to do any of your puzzles." I genuinely apologized and sat up, feeling my forehead. I was warmer than before now.

"IT IS ALRIGHT, HUMAN." Papyrus smiled and stood up. "I WILL MAKE YOU SOME GET WELL SOON SPAGHETTI!" He said this gleefully before prancing into what I assumed to be the kitchen. I rubbed my eyes and groggily looked towards Sans.

"Thanks for bringing me here, Sans." I looked away from him, feeling slightly guilty now. "But then again.. Sorry that you had to bring me here." For some reason I felt like I had to cry; I didn't understand why exactly, but I just really felt like I needed to.

"It was no problem.." Sans put his hand on my head and ruffled my hair slightly before putting his hand back into his pocket. "I wouldn't have let you freeze to death out there, that wouldn't have been the right thing to do." I ultimately had second thoughts about what he said; was I even still alive in the first place? What was this new world I have fallen into? How was mom?

A million questions were flooding through my mind.

"Maybe it would've been," I quietly mumbled under my breath before coming back to my senses. "But anywho, can you tell me a few of your puns? They kind of brighten up my mood." I smiled and looked back to him, and for some reason he looked a little confused. Probably because of what I had uttered at the beginning of my words — had he heard me?

"Um, sure thing." I watched him as he sat down on the spot beside me since I had sat up earlier. "Why are graveyards so noisy?" He asked, looking over at me. I shrugged, although I had already heard this one before. "Because of all the coffin." I snorted, holding back a laugh.

"Okay, okay. My turn. What do skeletons hate most about the wind?" I really loved this joke, it was hilarious.

"I dunno, what?" He seemed to be holding back his laughter as well.

"Nothing, it goes right through them!" I laughed pretty hard at my own joke, but that's fine. The best kinds of jokes are always the ones you laugh at. Sans also laughed and we both heard Papyrus groan in agony since our jokes and puns were absolutely terrible.

After a few more moments of joke telling, Papyrus came into the room with his now finished spaghetti. It smelled pretty weird and I'm pretty sure he put glitter in it. After eating that.. gross meal with a fake smile to make Papyrus happy, I looked around a bit. Papyrus gave me a small tour of their humble abode and even his room, which was actually pretty snazzy.

For some odd reason while I was in his room he thought that I had flirted with him and asked if we could go on a date. Of course I said sure, what's the worst thing that could happen? What I hadn't expected was that the date would be taking place in his room. Well then. Once I was ready for this 'date thing', the entire room went black and white — okay then.

Papyrus held a small book in his hand that was about how to date and I found myself holding back a small giggle since he was being extremely silly, once again. He went on this weird tangent about how I was wearing clothes, which ultimately meant that I had wanted to date him from the very beginning. I was pretty confused about what was going on, but it was honestly kind of hilarious in its own little way.

In the end, I ended up being friend-zoned. By a skeleton; Papyrus, nonetheless.

After all that mess, I was incredibly tired and decided to ask Pap and Sans if I could stay at their place for the night; they didn't seem to really have a problem with that, so I slept on the couch even though Sans insisted I take his bed instead. Of course I didn't, that would be rude of me as his guest.

As I eventually closed my heavy eyes to fall asleep, I felt like someone was watching me.

Your eyes flutter open and you see that you are floating in darkness. A tall figure towers over you. His face is as white as snow and his eyes are as black as a bottomless pit. One crack goes up on his right eye and one goes down on the other; two white pupils. You're confused and scared, but you seem content with this. You're horrified, but accepting. The figure speaks, not with his mouth, but with his hands. His hands have large holes in the palms of them. What is he saying? You can't quite tell.

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1,273 words

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