1 | The Trip of a Lifetime

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"Don't worry about those
who talk behind your back,
they're behind you for a reason."
- - -

I am just a mere human, no one special. We're all humans, but some of us are not as mere as others. I guess that doesn't exactly make sense, huh? I understand, I'm never really been one to make sense. I've always been a bit out of the ordinary, but then again, I'm completely blended in with the background; nobody necessarily cares about me or my story. I'm just f/n l/n.

6:10 AM, Monday.
My alarm rings, which immediately has me awake. I don't open my eyes as I hesitantly hit the snooze button out of habit. What's today again? If I'm being honest with myself, I don't really care all that much. I eventually do open my e/c eyes and rub the sleep out of them before sitting up with a tired groan and looking at the time. 6:15, I had been laying there for five more minutes! Five minutes that I'll never get back, but that's okay I guess. I really need to get ready for school though.

If only I could just stay in bed forever.

I slowly but surely crawl out of my bed and follow my morning routine.

Brush my teeth, brush my hair, make myself look decently presentable to the public; put on clothes, put on a worn-out pair of shoes, and then finally I need to get my bag for that hell-hole I call school — how enjoyable. I roll my eyes to the thought of having to go to school, but education is (supposedly) important and it still is a big part of any teenager's everyday life. I only need it to get into a decent college, which would also eventually help me find a nice career.

I quickly rush out of the front door after saying a goodbye to my one loving parent, my mother; then I head out to the bus-stop alone. No one lives nearby, seeing as how I literally live out in basically the country far away from any kind of civilization, just because my mother doesn't want to deal with neighbors. I can understand her reasoning in a way. I definitely dislike people too. Not hate, but a very strong dislike. People were always too nosy, too picky — and let's not forgery, rude for no good reason.

My bus rolls into view and soon stops right in front of me, screeching to a dramatic halt due to how old the vehicle seemingly was and how there hadn't been any improvements made on it recently — a few years at that. The friction had even caused the tires to squeal. Why do I even pay attention to random details such as friction? Maybe I do actually somewhat pay attention in school. Let's go, science!

I make my way onto the crowded bus after the doors open and walk over to an empty seat that was placed in the middle section of the vehicle. It was always empty, which I enthusiastically enjoyed. I find it overbearingly awkward to sit next to someone on this school bus. For one, most of these people don't smell too pleasant. Second and lastly, what if I accidentally touch someone's leg or arm? I would literally die. Of embarrassment, to be frank.

No one spared me a glance and so I calmly took a whiff of air, sighing afterwards. I was ignored as per usual, which is absolutely fine by me since I do have a case of crippling social anxiety. Socializing is not my strongpoint — at all. I look to the side, facing towards the window as I sat on the inside of the bus seat, which felt sticky due to the humidity lingering around in the dense air. There were still raindrops clinging themselves onto the bus window, trickling down slowly. It always rains here and even though there is some beauty to rain, I find it a little depressing.

The bus ride was semi-soothing to the point where I had almost fallen asleep, but before I could even close my eyes to really attempt to rest, we arrived at the school. The bus stopped by the entryway of the school building and opened its doors to let everyone out. I was the last person to get off of the noisy vehicle, not wanting to accept the fact that we were finally here at this awful place. I looked up, taking the familiar building in with a blank stare.

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