9 | Promise

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Should I keep
putting quotes here?
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"Hey Sans?" I sit up and look over at him.

"Hm?" He looks back at me, grinning as usual. I still think his face looks kind of like a mask, like it's hiding something far more than what it shows.

"Can you tell me more about the monsters and humans? Or about why everyone wants me dead?" I stop looking at him and look down at my lap. Saying that made me understand more about how much I wasn't wanted and how much monsters wanted me dead.

Sans sits up, making the bed shake a bit. "Not everyone wants ya' dead, kiddo. Pap loves having you around and you're my pal too." I smiled slightly and shrugged. I guess some people really did want me here.. But most want me dead.

"But anyways.. The reason why we're down here is because of some kinda barrier and the only way to break it is with seven human souls. So far our king, Asgore, has six and he needs only one more." Sans paused, seeing if I had anything to say. I didn't. "The reason why we have that barrier was because of our power to be able to absorb human souls. Humans were scared of us and put us down here." Sans didn't exactly want to get into all of the details.

"So if I hand myself over to Asgore, you're all set free?" I finally look at Sans and he nods once. This was a lot to take in. I want everyone here to be happy, they don't deserve to be trapped here forever. I wonder if there's any other way to open up that barrier than letting Asgore kill me.

"F/n, you better not get any funny ideas." Sans glances down at my hand which was holding up a bit of my weight. He then put his own hand over mine and looked back into my e/c orbs. "Okay?"

I blushed slightly and glanced down at our hands. "Yeah, okay." My heart was beating faster and I felt like I couldn't breathe. I've never felt like this before and it was weird in a.. Good way. I can't exactly explain how it felt.

"F/n.. I really gotta get somethin' off of my chest." Sans quietly spoke. His voice made me blush even more than I already was. I stopped looking at our hands and looked back at him, focusing all of my attention on just him. "Promise me somethin'.."

"W-What?" I gulped, feeling like my throat was dry as hell. Am I actually starting to sweat from being so nervous? Sans was blushing a dark blue so maybe he was nervous too.

"Don't run away when I do this, okay?" Sans asked me and I nodded slowly, glancing at his teeth before focusing back on his eyes. His grin widened. Did he see me glance? I hope not, that would be embarrassing.. Suddenly he started to lean forward and I found myself leaning in as well.

His teeth pressed against my lips and we both shut our eyes. A warm and fluttery sensation swept over me and I leaned forward just a bit more, deepening the kiss I'd most likely never forget. Sans moved his arms around my waist and I moved mine around his neck.

This feeling..

Sadly the moment had to end because I needed air. I pulled myself from the kiss and leaned my forehead against his. His eyes opened and we both looked into each other's eyes. Sans's grin seemed as wide as ever and I felt myself smile too. Our faces were burning, it felt hot in here for some reason.

"Looks like you kept your promise, heh." He hugged my waist tighter, like he didn't want to let me go. Honestly, I didn't want him to let go of me.

"Of course I kept it. Promises are important." I giggled and moved my head to the crook of his neck. He was so warm.

Sans's POV
She was incredibly warm and I guessed I was too because she moved her head to the crook of my neck. I chuckled and moved her to the point she was pressing against my chest. There was no space between us and it was hella comfortable.

I didn't want to do this so soon after meeting her, but she seems fine with my actions. I told myself to not get too attached to her, but it ended up happening anyways. Dammit Sans.

"Sans, does this mean that we're a couple now?" She asked, sounding pretty innocent. Her voice made me want to do some pretty sinful stuff, but I held in any urges because I'm not a sinner.

"I guess so." I responded and pet her hair like I had done yesterday. She made a weird purring sound, it made my heart flutter. Wait.. Do I even have a heart? Whatever. I want her all to myself, so this is fine. When did I even start feeling this way, and why? I push that thought out of my skull and look down at this girl who was hugging me close to her. I never want to lose her and I'll kill anyone who wants to hurt her.

I'm going to protect her for as long as I can.

Maybe this new timeline was made just for me..

Maybe I deserve a little more happiness in my life..

I widen my grin and blush at the thought of having this own timeline just to myself.

Hopefully she won't end up like the other humans, I want to live the rest of my life just like this. With her.

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- 950 words

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