8 | Darn Fever! Go Away!

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It's a beautiful day outside.
Birds are singing,
flowers are blooming.
On days like these..
Kids like you,
should be burning in hell.
- - -

I guess it might be a little weird to be taking care of Sans like this, but I'm genuinely worried. Am I overreacting? Maybe.. But I have good reasons to. You do want to know why I only have one parent, right?...

"F/n, I seriously think you're overreacting. I'm fine. How many times do I have to tell you that?" Sans complained again as I sat on the edge of his bed. His face was still covered in blue, so I didn't believe a single word he said.
"You're just going to have to keep repeating yourself I guess." I shrugged with a casual smile on my face. Earlier I had put a wet rag on his forehead to cool him off, but for some reason it hasn't worked yet. Maybe his fever was worse than I thought? I frowned at the thought of him ending up like-no f/n. This is no time to think about that.
Sans let out an irritated sigh, but I ignored him. I took a moment to get a good look at his room. It was messy, which wasn't that surprising, and it was also pretty comfortable to be in. It reminded me of my own room back home. I felt like tears were about to escape my eyes so I tried pushing the thoughts about home far away and out of my mind.
"Sans, I'm sorry.. About what I had said when I left." I didn't look at him but I could somehow feel him looking at me, watching me. "I was just.. I was just not in the right state if mind at that time. Y'know?" I run a hand through my h/c hair and smile. I let out a troubled laugh. I didn't hear anything from Sans so I glanced back at him. He was still awake and still looking at me, but he wasn't saying anything. "Sans?" Suddenly, I was being hugged from behind. A crimson red blush started to appear on my cheeks.
"You don't have to apologize, f/n. I understand." He mumbled this as he hugged me. With those words, I let out all of my emotions. I was angry, frustrated, confused, sad, and most of all.. I was forgiving. I wanted to hate everyone, I wanted to hate Jason, but I just couldn't. I blamed myself for what happened, I still do.
I put my hand gently on one of Sans's arms and held it, not wanting to let go as I cried.
"It's okay. Let it all out." He ended up resting his chin on my shoulder and to be honest, it was comforting.
"Thank you." I muttered, tightening my grip on his arm slightly. I leaned back a little which made my back collide with his chest. He was so warm. I felt heat coming from cheeks so I kind of assumed he was blushing. Or maybe it was his fever? I don't know. Sans moved his arms from around my neck to around my waist so he could pull me closer to him. I didn't mind the lack of distance between us.
"F/n.." He called out my name, hoping I would reply.
"Yes?" I didn't glance at him as I responded back. He was quiet for a while and he ended up cursing under his breath.

Sans's POV
I can't do it. It's too early, we've literally just met a couple days ago. If I say anything now, she'll probably think I'm weird. Dammit, Sans.. Say something at least.
"I, uh.. Knock knock." That's right, say one of your joke. She loves your jokes. Besides, I want to hear her laugh, not cry.
"Who's there?" Good, she answers back.
"Boo." I immediately said, wanting her to cheer up.
"Boo.. Who?" She held in a laugh, that's good, but it's still not a full on laugh.
"Aw c'mon f/n, don't cry." There it is! She laughed! Mission accomplished Sans. You're a good man.

Your POV
His joke made me feel better. My laughing stopped and I just smiled contently. Sans didn't let go of my waist and I didn't stop leaning against his chest, it was comfy, just being like this. My heart was beating faster than usual though.
"Sans.. Can I stay in here with you? I mean!- You don't have to let me I was just wondering if I could and I totally mean it in like a platonic way and not sexual because that would be sooo weird-" Sans cut me off by saying it was fine if I stayed in his room with him. Sometimes I think I should really keep my mouth shut. Sans eventually let go of me and moved back into a laying down position, making his bed creak slightly with his movements. I laid down beside him and we both stared up at his ceiling.
"Maybe when you get over that fever of yours, we can hang out in Waterfall." I suggested this since I actually really liked Waterfall.
"I think I like that idea."

Sorry that this was a
little short and kinda
bad, I was in a rush.

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