10 | Is This a Date, Sans?

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"Retreat to Safer Waters.."
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You're dreaming again.. You at least think you're dreaming.
You see him. There he is, as pale as ever. Bony and slender. Looming over you with an intimidating smile as always. You shiver and shake from fear. Why was he doing this to you? What did you do to deserve this torment? His voice comes out glitched, symbols appear in front of your eyes, flashing into your mind. You don't know what they mean or what he's trying to tell you.
You gasp as his smile widens, a black liquid seeping down his chin. You forgot about him, you had forgotten and now he's angry. If only you had payed attention. But you didn't. He had warned you, hadn't he? He warned you! You scream for help.

B u t n o b o d y c a m e . . .

You wake up.

My eyes open quickly and I jolt up, panting for dear life. I can't remember what I had dreamed about, but I can tell that it was horrible. A body stirs beside me and sits up so I look to the side. Sans was awake, although he was probably still tired. I must've woken him up.

"F/n.. You alright?" His voice was deeper than usual since he had just been woken up. I sighed and let a troubled smile appear on my face.

"Yeah, yeah. I'm fine, Sans. Don't worry." I gently put my hand on his cheekbone and his smile widened slightly. He put his own hand over mine and leaned into my hand slightly. I could feel the heat coming from off of his cheekbone. The way he looked right now made my heart beat slightly faster. When did we get like this? And why did we get like this so soon?

"Whatever you say." His words interrupted my thoughts and this time I smiled genuinely. I moved my hand away from him and laid back down, Sans had done the same after me. I felt his arms wrap around my waist and pull me closer to him, his warmth enveloped me. It felt comforting. I closed my e/c eyes and let sleep take me. This time, I didn't have a nightmare.

In the morning..

I was up and awake early—well, I at least guessed it was early. I had decided to clean up the skelebro's house since it was clearly unorganized. Although, I decided to leave Sans's sock on the floor. There was no way I was touching that thing. It looked like it was starting to become the home for some spiders. So, I'd rather not deal with that quite yet.

Papyrus's door swung open and a tired Pap walked out of his room and down the stairs to the living room. He looked at me and waved hello lazily. I waved back.

"Human, you seem to be cleaning early. That's good—" his eye sockets met Sans's untouched sock "—...Please tell Sans to pick that up. It's been there for months and it's starting to annoy me greatly." Papyrus sounded really calm in the morning. I had never heard him talk this quiet before, it was utterly surprising.

"Sure Pap, but I don't think he'll listen to me." I shrugged and walked over to the couch before plopping down onto it. Papyrus mumbled a response but I didn't catch what he had said anyway. I heard his footsteps go into the kitchen. He was probably going to make some breakfast spaghetti. I had to think of a plan to try and get through this morning without throwing up.

My half opened eyes widened slightly as I heard the door to Sans's room open, making a creaking sound. The sounds of slow shuffling came from his room but then they made their way down the stairs, making small thuds or creaks. I closed my eyes, already knowing who it was. Sans sat down beside me on the couch.

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