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Greetings Sinners.
I noticed that some of
you may be a little
confused as to who
Jason is, correct?
Well, in the first chapter
Jason was the person who
had dared you to go
into Mt.Ebott.
He wasn't really that
important in the beginning
of the story.
But now he is.
I knew some/most
of you wouldn't remember
him since he wasn't
that big of a deal.
I used that opportunity
to somewhat create an
element of surprise.
I suck at surprises.
But anyways..
I just wanted to let
everyone who was confused
know who Jason was and
where he had come from
in the first place.
If you really need to,
you can go back and reread
the first chapter just to
get a good understanding
of who Jason is and what
his personality type is.
Thanks for keeping up
with the book.
Stay sinful!

Stay sinful!-:-

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