12 | Lust, Confusion, or Both?

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"You're not rich
until you have something
that money can't buy."

The next day I woke up in a dark bedroom. Sans must have moved me here once Papyrus got back home. I sat up and looked to my side only to see that I was the only person in the bed. For some reason, I really wanted Sans to be beside me when I woke up.

I cleared my throat since it felt a little sore and slowly got out of bed. I decided it was time to change my clothes. I wondered if Sans would mind if I took some of his clothes, I should probably ask him. He might be downstairs watching tv. I shuffled to the bedroom door and opened it, it made a creaking sound. I heard the sound of the tv on, the sound of a robotic voice filled my ears. I felt a headache coming on.

I looked over the railing to see if Sans was on the couch and sure enough, he was.

"Sans!" I called out. The skeleton looked up at me. I could see his grin widen ever so slightly as he caught sight of me. I probably looked like a mess since I had bed hair and bags under my eyes.

"Morning babe, what do you need?" Sans was leaning his body against the back of the couch, obviously relaxing. A small smile creeped onto my face as I looked down at him. I really had to admit that he was super cute this morning. Well, he's always cute. But this morning, he seemed a lot more cute than usual. Also, did he just call me babe?

"Can I borrow some of your clothes? I'll use them until I go shopping or something." I played with the ends of my hair a bit as I spoke. My voice was hoarse. I needed some water. A light sky blue blush slowly appeared on Sans's cheekbones, which made me want to giggle, but I held it in. He then slowly nodded. "Thanks!" My smile grew and I walked back into his room before shutting the bedroom door.

I walked over to his closet, which was beside his bed, and searched through his clothes. He actually did have other clothes.. But he always wore his white t-shirt or sweater and blue jacket.

I grabbed the hem of my shirt and lifted it over my head, eventually getting it fully off. It fell to the carpeted floor with a small thud. I then unbuttoned my jean-shorts and slid them down, stepping out of them. I set the shorts down with my shirt. My eyes scanned across the clothes again and I decided to grab one of Sans's white t-shirts and a pair of his shorts. The shirt fit me, but was a little tight. His shorts were pretty baggy and actually really comfortable.

I grabbed my clothes and folded them, putting them into his closet just in case I needed them again.

My head wasn't hurting as much as it was yesterday, so I was incredibly happy about that. I adjusted the bandage that was covering my wound slightly since it was a little uncomfortable. I then walked out of Sans's room and went downstairs to go sit next to my skeleton boyfriend. He was paying close attention to the tv, but he looked really bored anyway. I jumped onto the spot beside him, making the couch creak just a little.

Sans jolted since he hadn't even seen me come down the stairs, which I was a little surprised about since the stairs creak when you walk down them. Sans looked over to me, his pupils looked me up and down before he set his attention to my eyes. I arched a brow, knowing that he was probably being a little perverted at the moment.

"So, Sans.. Can we do something today? I've been dying to go visit Alphys." I kind of latched onto Sans's arm, giving him a puppy dog face. Sans looked away from me, probably a little uncomfortable from the situation I had just put him in.

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