7 | Onion-San is Kawaii Desu Nae Sugoi Sugoi

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Never love
anybody who
treats you like
you're ordinary.
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Waterfall. It's quiet and calming. I calmly make my way towards a dark area covered with glowing flowers. These must be the flowers Sans had told me about. I walked towards one and kneeled down before lightly tapping one of its beautiful petals. It whispers a previous conversation.
"Knock knock." I smile, knowing who spoke into this flower.
"Who's there?" I ask to myself before going to a nearby flower and also tapping one if it's petals.
"Dishes who?" On to the next flower.
"Dishes a very bad joke." I laugh and stand back up before walking to a bridge with a waterfall and a few rocks floating quickly with it. I dodge past the falling rocks and come across a couple easy puzzles. I had come across an old turtle and a lone telescope, I had looked through it but all I saw was red. It was weird. I actually heard a snort after looking trough it, like someone was holding in a laugh.
I soon come across an empty looking lake with a bridge over it. I walk on the bridge and hear a small splash so I turn around to see what made the sound. A large yellow octopus looking monster emerged from the water with a sad smile.
"Hiya! I'm onion-San! Ya-hear!" Onion-San moved towards me and I smiled at it.
"I'm f/n, it's nice to meet you Onion-San." I hold out my hand for it to shake, and it did with one of its tentacles.
"You're the first person to visit in a long time, ya-hear." Onion-San blushed slightly and shifted around a bit.
"Were there any others down here like you before?" I ask, interested in its past.
"Yeah! I had a lotta friends, ya-hear? But they've all gone away to the aquarium. B-But I still got faith in Undyne! Ya-hear? She'll save this place." Onion-San looked pretty confident and had a lot of hope in its eyes.
"What's wrong with this lake?" I asked it anther question and its earlier confident expression faded.
"Well, the water's getting too low, I can barely move around, ya-hear?" It let out a sad sigh and I gave it a reassuring smile.
"I'm sure Undyne will save this place too. I have faith in her as well!" I say this then wave goodbye to Onion-San after he smiles, looking happy and confident once again.
After leaving Waterfall, I get to the Hotlands. I saw a stand up ahead and a very familiar looking skeleton. Sans! Why do I seem so happy to see him?
I walk over to his stand and see him sleeping, which made me smile slightly-Stop f/n, you're being weird again! Sans moved slightly and woke up, he then looked at me. A light blue appeared on his cheekbones, making myself blush.
"Heya Sans. How's the job going?" I joked, rolling my eyes in a playful manner.
"Oh y'know. I'm always working myself to the bone." He shrugged and rested his chin on the palms (does he even have palms?) of his hands, looking up at me.
"Yeah, I dunno. I actually feel like you should put a little more back-bone into your job." I say with a small giggle. Sans laughed slightly then stayed quiet after that. I realized that he was technically staring at me.
"Um.. Sans?" I call out his name to see if he'll snap out of it.
"Oh, hey. Uh.. You wanna buy a hotdog?" He asked me and I nodded. Why not?
"Looks like your inventory's full, so I'll put it here." Sans put the hotdog on top of my head and I had an idea for a fun game.
"I think I might just buy another one." I say. I noticed that his smile widened slightly as he put another hotdog on the hotdog that was already on top of my head.
"Another one." I say in an almost daring tone. The stacking of the hotdogs lasted for a while.
"Looks like I'm all out." Sans said with a small shrug. I was trying my best to balance all of these hotdogs on my head. "Looks like they're about to fall." He said, holding in a laugh.
"Shh, I can do this. I'm determined!" I hold my breathe a bit and take a small step forward. The hotdogs topple over onto the ground and I sigh.
"Welp." Sans widened his smile again as he saw my expression. He thought it was cute.

Sans' POV
I looked at her face and smiled a bit more. Other than being great at puns, she was cute. I don't think I could find another girl like this. Sure I did have thoughts about Toriel, but she was still a married woman. Her and Asgore never did get an official divorce. I stop thinking about Toriel and focus my thoughts back onto f/n.
I was watching her pretty closely in waterfall.. It made me happy to see her interact with the echo flowers I had put my favorite joke into, she seemed to like the joke too.
"Sans, are you okay?" I suddenly come back to reality and realize that I had been staring at her the entire time I was thinking.
"No, not really." I respond. I notice that she was blushing a crimson red. Was she embarrassed that I was staring at her?

Your POV
He had been staring at me for a while. I felt blood pooling into my cheeks, which meant I was blushing pretty hard.
"Sans, are you okay?" I finally asked and he snapped back into reality.
"No, not really." He responed. I frowned, starting to get a little concerned. I walk up to his stand and lean forward to put my hand on his forehead. His skull was hot. (Not like that, reader. Stop thinking like a sinner.) I looked at his face and it was completely blue.
"Sans.. Do you have a fever or something?" I asked, furrowing my eyebrows. Can skeletons even get fevers?
"U-Um.. No, I don't think so?" He sounded a little uncertain. I sigh and move my hand away from his forehead.
"C'mon, let's get you home. I'm really worried about you." I walk onto his side of the stand and grab his arm, putting it over my shoulder.
"F/n don't you think you're overreacting a little? I'm fine, I swear." Sans quickly spoke and tried moving his arm away but I kept a good hold on it.
"Nope, I'm not overreacting at all." I start walking, dragging him along with me.
"F-f/n this is embaressing, please-" I cut him off by saying "Nope, you can stop right there Sansy because I'm not taking "no" for an answer. I'm taking you home."
After a while of walking, we finally get back to his and his brother's home. I open the door with my free hand and walk inside. Papyrus immediately saw Sans and I.
"HUMAN? SANS? WHAT'S WRONG WITH SANS?! IS HE HURT?!" Papyrus ran over and looked at his brother, obviously concerned.
"No, no. It's fine Papyrus. Sans is just a little sick. I'll take care of him, so where is his room?" Papyrus pointed upstairs to the room beside his.
"Alright, thanks!" I smile at Papyrus and walk Sans up to his room. Sans stayed silent with only a light blue blush on his face.
For some reason, you were blushing too..

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- 1265 words

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