30 | Remembrance

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"Do you remember me?"
- - -

You shoot up in your bed and frantically look around. Your room, you're in your room. Of all places to have been at, you ended up back here with your two horrible parents. You get out of bed and open the window, struggling with it slightly. Footsteps make their way up the stairs but you try your best to ignore them.

"F/n, get up! It's time for school!" Your mother, her voice booms throughout the entire house. There was no way you were going to listen to her crap right now, the only thing that was on your mind was Sans. Would he remember you after he reset? You didn't know, but you hoped he did.

Finally made it through the open window, immediately running as you hit the ground, grunting from the hard impact. You broke into a sprint and there seemed to be no way of stopping you, even as your mom called out your name from up into your room as she watched you run at full speed to your destination.

The mountain came into view and a smile made its way onto your face. Sans kept popping into your head and you desperately wanted to be in his warm and welcoming arms right now. His embrace was all that you really and ever wanted, nothing else. You loved him with all your heart, and you didn't even feel a ounce of doubt or hesitance about loving him.

You ran into the lush woods and trees began to surround you on all sides except for forward, so you continued that way. You eventually came across the hole you had luckily fallen into before. The darkness of it made you feel unsettled but you knew what would be waiting for you down there. Your loving goat-mom, your amazing and lovable skele-boyfriend, the great Papyrus, and everyone else you had called family and loved wit all your heart.

So why if they didn't remember you? You could just make and relive those past and forgotten memories, you could make new memories, and you could help everyone understand you better and change impressions. You could make everything back to normal.

You take a step forward, staring down into the dark abyss. Your smile turned into a troubled grin, but you were she of the choice you were about to make all over again. You tilt, leaning in closer to the gaping hole and then you finally let yourself fall into the darkness, it enveloping you.

A moment later you find yourself on a pile of beautiful golden flowers. You slowly sit up, looking around. Darkness was everywhere except for just ahead where a small figure stood, facing you with a casual grin across its face.

The grin widened as it watched you stand up, wobbling slightly from losing your vision for only a couple of seconds. Your confused expression turns into one of happiness and you run towards the figure, wrapping you arms around its neck. It returnees the gesture by wrapping its arms around your waist, holding you close to it.

"Sans," you whispered, burying our face into his hoodie fluff. His chest and shoulders shoot as he let out a small chuckle. You moved your face away from his hood and looked at his face, scanning his expression. Tears made their way down your face, not because of sadness but because of how happy you were since he had remembered you.

"I missed you." Sans said, also scanning your expression. "But I hate seeing you cry." He moved his hands to your face and used his thumbs to wipe away your tears of joy. Your cheeks turned a dark shade of crimson red.

"I missed you too." You lean forward, kissing your beloved skeleton. He melted into your kiss and leaned forward as well, kissing back. If only he had lips this would be much better, but you loved kissing him like this anyway.

"I told you I would remember, heh." Sans said this after pulling out of the kiss, he rested his forehead against yours gently. "I would never tell you a lie." He moved his arms back around you waist.

You nodded and closed your eyes, enjoying the embrace while it lasted.

"We'll make things different this timeline, I promise.. And I hate makin' promises." Sans gazed into your eyes and you gazed into his, giving him an affectionate look.

Things will be different this time.

You and Sans will make sure of that.

Endings will be
coming out soon.
Yes, endings.
There will be a couple
or a few, I don't really
know yet.. But, uh..
I'm sure you'll all
like the endings except
for one.
Thank you for following
the story, Empire.

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