20 | Not Much Longer

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"Life is sometimes
like a paper airplane.
One moment you're
soaring, but then
next thing you know,
you're falling."
- - -

"Not much longer." It whispered, tightening its hold on the handle of its weapon, a knife. Its eyes watched your every move, if only you knew it was watching you. If only you knew it was always there with you, never leaving your side. Ever since it had found you, it would never leave. It had to jump and kill through so many timelines just to find you again.

It was filled with the determination to kill and to hate.

It watched as you sat on the couch with that thing. The one who had taken you from it, it hated that thing. It growled and so desperately wanted to swing its knife into that oblivious thing, but now was not the time to do that. It wouldn't be long until it could take its form again. If only that damned skeleton would hurry up with the body.

It closed its eyes and then opened them again, it was in a pitch black room. In front of it was a glitchy skeleton. Two glitchy skeletons.

"What is it?" The shorter one asked, turning to face it. The skeleton was an error, a mistake that should have never been made. But yet the skeleton still lived on, tainting whoever he spoke to.

"Is my vessel done yet? I'm impatient." It growled, its voice was raspy and low, it was inhuman. Its voice used to be so nice, so normal. But sadly, it fell and became infected. Infected with rage ever since it saw that small human, the one with rosy cheeks and red eyes.

"Soon." The skeleton, error, responded. Error twitched, his grin widening. He turned around, working on whatever had been behind him. It knew it was its vessel. The old it.

The taller skeleton, the one who spoke using symbols was also working on something, but it wasn't its vessel. Instead the taller one was focused on creating something, sow thing big and important. Something that would break the barrier. The tall skeleton's name was Gaster, and he was just as much of an error as Error and it.

They all didn't belong here, none of them did.

It closed its eyes and opened them, it was back in the living room to the skeletons's house. You had fallen asleep in the arms of that thing. It didn't dare speak, nor even think the thing's name. The thought of the thing alone wanted to make it hurl. It shuffled closer to the uncomfortable looking green couch, it leaned over and gently pressed its hand against your cheek, caressing it. You mumbled incoherently.

"I'm sorry to have sent you here." It whispered as a troubled smile appeared on its face. "I never meant to harm you, it was just all an accident. A silly misunderstanding." It retracted its hand and moved back, looking over to the thing that had its arms wrapped around your waist, keeping you close. "It will all be over soon."


The next morning I woke up, feeling rested. I looked back, seeing a sleeping Sans. A smile creeped onto my face and I leaned back into the warmth, accepting it, enjoying it.

"You up?" A deep and tired voice asked me, sounding a little slurred. I had wanted to fall back asleep for a little bit but it looks like that plan was a no-go.

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