15 | Blueberry

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"Silence is the most
powerful scream."
- - -

I'm staring up at the ceiling, trying to think back to my dream. I heard Sans mumble quietly beside me, perhaps he was awake? I turned to my side to look at him. His eye sockets were open a bit and he was looking right at me.

"Hey." He smiled and sat up, propping himself up with his elbows before he leaned up against his wall. I adjusted the covers so my upper half was hidden better. "What are ya' thinking about?" He asked. He probably noticed that I was a little out of it and that I wasn't really focusing on him, but instead looking through him.

"Just a dream I had, that's all." I gripped onto the covers and sat up, also leaning against his wall. I closed my eyes and took in a deep breath. "I feel like it was important but I can't remember it." I spoke in a confused tone. I looked over to Sans and he too looked a little confused.

"I'm sure it'll come back to you. Don't worry." Sans put his arm around my shoulders and moved me a bit closer to him. Memories of last night flooded back into my head so I began blushing pretty intensely.

After a while of just sitting in his bed in comfortable silence Sans decided to get dressed and go to Grillby's. He was probably embarrassed. I was left alone in his room so I too got dressed after getting out of bed. I wondered what time it was even though the Underground doesn't even have a real time.

I slowly made my way out of Sans's room and went downstairs. As I got to the top of the stairway, Papyrus's door swung open and a tired looking Papyrus walked out of his room. I looked back to him and wondered if he had heard anything, I desperately hoped he hadn't.

"U-um.. Morning Papyrus."

"Good morning, human." Papyrus rubbed the sleep from his eye sockets and smiled as he saw me. He then walked down the stairs and into the kitchen. I followed after him.

"So.. How did you sleep?" I asked, looking up at the tall skeleton as he got ingredients to cook spaghetti from the fridge.

"I slept quite well. How about you, human?" Papyrus had an arms full of different ingredients. I'm pretty sure I spotted some glitter in his arms.

"I slept good." I responded and walked out of the kitchen. It was good he didn't hear anything. I began to think about how quiet Papyrus was in the mornings, his personality reminded me of something—well, someone.

A short skeleton with a big blue scarf. My head felt like it was spinning and as I tried to make my way over to the couch my steps began to become wobbly. I collapsed onto the floor. Papyrus heard a loud thud come from the living room, and since he was curious, he looked to see what had made the noise. His eye sockets widened as he saw me lying limply on the floor. He rushed over to me to check if I was okay.

"HUMAN? F/N, ARE YOU ALRIGHT?" He shook me slightly.

You're dreaming..

Your eyes opened and you were back in that pitch black room. You remember everything now.


Blueberry came rushing towards you, he then enveloped you in a tight hug. You were taken aback but hugged him back anyways.

"Blueberry?" You looked around to see if the other two were there, but they weren't. "Where's Geno and Edgy?" You asked as you looked back at him. He moved away from you and glanced around cautiously.

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