2 | Falling Into a New World

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"Only those who care
about you can hear
you when you're quiet."
- - -
What you need to know:
B/W - Bottom Wear
(Pants, shorts, skirt, etc.)

Falling, falling, more falling, and then finally a thud.

Time passed for a while and everything seemed so much slower for the amount of time I had laid on the ground. A breeze whistling throughout the strands of my h/c hair, gliding through my limp fingers as they laid sprawled across the ground beneath where my body lay. I opened my e/c eyes slowly and began to sit up, shaking my head in disbelief. There was no way that I could have survived a fall like that, and without even a sign of the smallest scratch? I'm not dead, right?

Finally sitting up, I noticed something soft beneath me. I looked down, my eyes catching sight of golden petals amongst golden flowers. I had to be dead if I was already seeing such things. They looked absolutely beautiful, but I decided to go ahead and leave them alone. It would be best to leave nature as it were, especially in a place that I currently know nothing about. I stood and then dusted myself off quickly before continuing to look around.

Nothing but darkness and shadows. I began to walk until I could see a light just up ahead. There laid a shadow of something in the distance; in a random ray of sunshine, which immediately caught my interest.

"Hello?" I call out, hoping to possibly get an answer back. I walked closer, stopping a few feet away, realizing that the thing in the ray of sunlight was actually just an unusually large golden flower. I smacked myself on the forehead, feeling like a complete idiot, that going up times a few due to me also not remembering that I had injured my forehead quite recently too. An immediate sense of absolute straight out agony shot through my head, causing a knee crippling induced migraine. This was all thanks to that asshat, Jason!

"Oh for fucks sake! When I get my hands on that asshole, I'll-I'll.. I—"


Wait a minute. Wait just a minute, now. My attention snapped towards the voice I had just heard only a mere second ago. My eyes darted around, wondering who or what could have said that to me. I saw no one. There wasn't a person in sight, until I looked down — slowly. This can't be real, this can't be real, this can not be real!

"You just talked. You, a flower, just spoke." My words came out a mess, my mouth not following what I was trying to say or what my eyes were attempting to help me perceive. It was as though I was in a cartoon and an anvil was just destined to drop upon my head at any random moment. My hands gripped my b/w tightly, my chest heaving as my brain couldn't understand the reality of the situation at hand.

"Haha, howdy! Aren't you a confused one, huh? I'm Flowey! Flowey the flower." Flowey dipped his head down, bending a leaf under his bottom petals to bow before then looking back up to me. He smiled and then laughed; his laugh resembling almost like a sort of maniacal cackle.

"You must be really confused! Why don't I teach you some of the basics, yeah? Alrighty, friend." Befit I even had a chance to respond, Flowey continued on to ramble about the complexity of these things called 'pellets' and how they could be good and helpful for someone during an 'encounter' of any sort. Something about all of this just seemed way too.. Weird. Off, even.

"Do you want love?" Flowey inquired, his smile seemingly never ending. "Everyone wants a little bit of love, so why wouldn't you? Here, accept my love!" Soon enough, an encounter ensued and I found myself staring straight ahead at a few floating white pellets, as Flowey had first called them.

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