❤︎ 14 | Sweet, Sweet Lemonade!

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"What screws us up
the most in life is
the picture in
our heads of how
it's supposed to be."
- - -

(Warning, we got some sweet, sweet lemonade over here. Tbh you might need some holy water.)

"Please f/n.. I need you." Sans pleaded, obviously desperate.

I gulped. I could tell that both of us were blushing incredibly hard. I did say that I'd do this if he really needed it, but I didn't think it'd be happening so soon.

"What if Papyrus hears us?" I ask, thinking about the innocent skeleton who was in the room right next to ours. If he did hear us, then he'd be so horrified and scarred.

"He won't. When he's asleep, he stays that way for a while." Sans moves towards me and I instinctively moved back a bit. Sans ended up crawling onto the bed and over me, hovering on all fours. Were we really going to do this?

"Will you let me?" He asked. His voice was so raspy and desperate, it was pretty hot hearing him like this. Again, I felt all of my right and wrong senses slipping. My mind was saying "not now f/n, it's too early for this" but my body kept telling me "this is what you need, accept him", so I was having an internal conflict right now.

Sans leaned forward and pressed his teeth against my lips, he closed his eye sockets as he did so. I melted into the kiss and closed my eyes, finally accepting him. Sans only hungered for more of me, so he opened his mouth and licked my lips. This time I complied and opened my mouth, letting him in.

His blue tongue explored everywhere in my mouth since I didn't put up a fight against him. I sucked on his tongue lightly, making him grunt like he had done on the night of our date. Sans pulled out of the kiss and moved his teeth to my neck. He slowly licked the side of it before nibbling on a spot. I had kept my eyes closed during this and I ended up gasping lightly, making Sans let out a quiet chuckle.

Sans made a few love marks but then he found this one spot on my neck where it felt the best. When he nipped and licked that spot, my breath hitched and my toes curled. Sans continued attacking this spot, enjoying my reactions.

He moved away from my neck which made me whine since I hadn't wanted him to stop. Sans had other places to explore anyways.

The skeleton pulled the covers from off of me and moved his hands to the hem of my shirt, he then began to tug it off. I helped him by lifting up my arms. When my shirt was gone, Sans went back to kissing me. He moved his hands up and down my stomach, making me feel slightly aroused. His hands found their way to my breasts and he started to massage them through my bra. The sensation made me release a small moan.

Sans had never heard that sound before so he became a little concerned and stopped what he was doing.

"Did that hurt?" He asked, looking at my flustered expression. I shook my head no.

"Don't stop, it's fine." Sans nodded after I spoke. He moved back down to my neck and attacked my soft spot again. He had also moved his hands to my back so he could unclip my bra. Sans struggled with my bra clasp a bit but he eventually got it off and moved it out of our way. He glanced down to my breasts and took the sight of them in, taking a mental picture. I could feel his bulge rub against my leg which made me even more flustered than I already was.

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