5 | Your Arms, Keep me There..

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"I want to
be your favorite hello
and your hardest
- - -

Once I finally calmed down I left the bathroom and went downstairs. I noticed Papyrus was gone and Sans was the only person in the house other than myself.
"Where did Papyrus go?" I asked as I got to the bottom of the stairs.
"He went to go make some puzzles." Sans responded, smiling as always. His usual lazy and funny vibe was a bit off. I nodded and went over to the couch before sitting down next to Sans.
"So kid.. I was wondering if you'd be willing to answer some of my questions." Sans looked over at me and I glanced over at him.
"Sure, ask away." I say, trying to focus.
"Well.. Turns out that my brother has been talking to some kind of flower.. Do you know about the blue flowers in waterfall? Well they're called echo flowers and they repeat things back to you after they've recorded some kind of message, they get this messages by letting people talk to them. I've been thinking about it and I think he's been being tricked and deceived by someone and they're using an echo flower to communicate with him." Sans finally stopped talking. I think that's the most I've heard him talk.
"Well.. I do know about a flower that actually talks by itself. I think he told me his name is Flowey." I said and looked over to Sans. "That's all I know, sorry Sans." I sigh and stand up from the couch but get pulled back down by the back of my shirt.
"It's fine kiddo, but I wasn't done with my questions." Sans let go of the back of my shirt and put his hand back into his pocket. "Yesterday, you mumbled something under your breath and I won't say I didn't hear what you said." Damn, I knew he heard me.
"Oh, you heard that.." I mutter and look down at my lap in embarrassment.
"I just wanted to know why you said that. Did something happen where you used to live?" Sans asked, I could hear the concern in his voice.
"I don't really want to talk about it, it's not important. Trust me." I shrug and smile.
"Kid, you're crying." I look up at Sans in confusion before realizing I was actually crying. I look away from him again and hide my face with my hands so he wouldn't be able to see my expression.
"I'm okay." I mumble, not wanting him to probe the subject any longer.
"You're not." He put his hand on my shoulder and moved me towards him, embracing me in a hug. I accepted the hug.
"You're such a bonehead." I sigh as I continue to cry quietly into his sweater. He was definitely going to have some tear stains on his clothes.
"And you're marrow-minded." He retorted. I heard him chuckled slightly, which made me smile. I noticed that this skeleton and I were getting pretty close, but I didn't mind. He and Pap are the closest people I have now.. Not even my own mom payed that much attention to me, she never hugged me before either.
"Thank you." I close my eyes and relax.
"What are you thanking me for?" Sans asked. I could feel him petting my h/c h/l hair to calm me down.
"I'm thanking you for being here. You and Pap are now the most important people in my life." I quietly respond before falling asleep against his chest.

Sans' POV
She fell asleep. I don't stop petting her hair since it's so soft, for some reason it calms me down too. I shake my head once, thinking that I shouldn't be doing stuff like this. I can't let her get too attached to me.. I can't let myself get too attached to her. I can feel myself blushing and I wonder when Papyrus will be home. I want to keep her here in my arms for as long as possible, she needs to be held a lot. She deserves it.
When did I get like this with her? Was it because of last night? Was it when she complimented me for the first time? I don't know. What I do know though, is that I want to keep her safe just like Papyrus. I still don't know why she's here and how she ended up here either but I'm kinda thankful.. Maybe the world isn't as hopeless as I thought it was.

Your POV
I woke up and was greeted by Sans' sleeping face. It was already dark out so Papyrus was probably home by now. He must've seen Sans and I, that's embarrassing. I curl up a bit more since I'm a little cold. Sans shifted and his eyes opened slightly. I looked up at him then looked away. I never really like eye contact, I think it's weird.
"Cold?" He asked out of the blue. Actually, he probably saw me shivering a little.
"Maybe." I reply, closing my eyes again. I heard him snort and I smiled. Sans shifted around again and I felt something cover me. I opened my eyes a bit and noticed he put his jacket over me so I wouldn't be cold anymore. I smiled a little more.
"Thanks Mr.Sanstastic." I thank him before falling asleep again.
"I kinda like that nickname." Sans mumbled before also falling asleep, having his arms around you yet again.

The next day...
"WAKE UP BROTHER AND HUMAN! WE HAVE VISITORS!" Papyrus' loud voice woke me up but Sans stayed fast asleep. I mumbled incoherent words and opened my eyes. Of course Sans still had me close to him, and of course Pap thought it was completely normal. "COME ON IN TO MY HUMBLE ABODE FRIENDS!" Two people walked into the house. They both immediately saw me.
One looked pretty enraged or something and the other was blushing super hard.
Oh god.
Why does this have to happen right now?
The room went black and white.

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- 1013 words

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