27 | My Queen

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"You killed her.
You killed my queen."
- - -


Sans's POV
Spinning.. Spinning, my world is spinning. My vision begins to blur as I stare down at her limp body. Silence, it's all I hear, I can't bare it. Why won't anyone say something?




Please, someone.. Just say something. Anything. I can feel the tears sliding down my cheekbones, when did I start crying? I can't remember. I take a few steps closer to her body and fall to my knees before lifting up her body, holding her to my chest.


She was so cold, but yet, her soul. There was still a glimmer of life in there somewhere. My hope had boosted as I sensed she was still alive. The white-noise I had been hearing had faded and everything suddenly rushed back to me, I remembered what was going on. My white pinpricks flicked away from f/n's body and over to Jason. I scanned him and realized he wasn't holding a weapon, so my gaze ended up flicking over to someone else.


"You føRgOt aBøuT me." Error mumbled as he looked down at f/n's figure, his smile widened. My eye sockets narrowed and I gently set my fiancé's body down onto the cold floor before standing up. How could I have forgotten him so easily? Was it because I was more focused on f/n and Jason than him? Probably. He must've slipped away while I was distracted, it was the perfect chance to strike out at f/n and kill her. But luckily Error didn't kill her completely, she was still alive but barely.

Everyone had turned their attention to Error and I. I could feel their hatred, there was even some emitting from off of Jason. Had f/n's words changed him? Hopefully.

"Damn you." Edgy growled, the red flames that surrounded his left eye became more intimidating. "You're gonna regret hurting her." He took a step forward, making Error chuckle. The glitched version of myself twitched, jerking slightly. He didn't say anything else, which meant it was time to fight him. I had fought him before but it seems that he's grown in strength from back then.




"Dammit!" I yelled. Error chuckled as he moved towards me. We were both in the void, fighting each other. If only he hadn't taken Gaster, we wouldn't be like this in this situation. "Give me back my dad!" I aimed my hand towards Error and he stopped, staring at me with a blank look. He sighed and jerked around, glitching and twitching.

"I never took him from you." Error said, his grin faltering ever so slightly. "He was the one who put himself down here. Didn't you ever wonder why he was always in that damn lab of his?" I growled and lunged towards error, throwing bones his way. He dodged them but a coupe grazed against his right arm. Error didn't even wince but I knew he felt the pain.

"Like hell you didn't do anything, Error. You were there when he fell! You pushed him down into this forsaken hell-hole!" I attacked again and this time I hit him directly in the chest, earning a pained grunt from Error.

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