13 | I Need You Now More Than Ever

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"Not all
who wander
are lost."
- - -

"Sans, wait—mmf." I tried to protest against this but Sans only leaned forward, making the kiss we were having deepen. I was enjoying myself and Sans knew that, but I also didn't want do this kind of thing so early into our relationship. Sans also knew this, but his body needed this now more than ever. His mind was screaming at him to stop himself before he hurt me, but he just couldn't.

Sans opened his mouth slightly and licked my bottom lip, begging for entrance to my wet cavern. I denied it, not wanting anymore of this. Sans released a low growl and bit my lip, making me gasp. He took this chance to slide his tongue into my mouth. My first response was to bite down onto his tongue, but it was pure magic, I wouldn't be able to hurt him.

This wasn't exactly rape or molestation since I was enjoying every second, but I still didn't want this. I really didn't. But.. If Sans really needed this.. I'd do it for him.

I decided to just give in.

Sans moved his hands under my shirt and was about to lift it off but the front door swung open. Sans and I both jumped away from each other and looked towards the door, seeing Papyrus standing there.

"HELLO HUMAN AND BROTHER! I AM BACK FROM UNDYNE'S! SHE IS VERY APOLOGETIC AND—.... WHAT.. HAPPENED?" Papyrus arched a nonexistent brow as he looked at us. My hair and clothes had gotten disheveled and Sans's jacket had ended up on the floor somehow. We both were out of breath.

"Uh, nothing bro. F/n and I were just rough housing, that's all." Sans bent down to pick up his jacket and I stood in my place awkwardly.

(I'm sorry my sinners, but I have just trolled you so hard.)

Papyrus cleared his throat and nodded, not really understanding. He didn't want to ask any more questions about the situation. Papyrus had finally realized I was up and we'll so he ran over to me and embraced me in a tight hug.

"HUMAN I HAVE NOW JUST REALIZED THAT YOU ARE NOT DEAD, BUT OKAY!" Papyrus lifted me up and spun me around, making me giggled because of his childish behavior. Sans chuckled at the scene as he slid his jacket back on. "I AM VERY HAPPY THAT YOU ARE ALIVE AND WELL!" Papyrus set me back down and pat my head, ruffling my h/c hair a bit. "I SHALL MAKE SOME CELEBRATION SPAGHETTI FOR THIS OCCASION!" Papyrus cheerfully stomped into the kitchen and left me and Sans alone in the living room.

I glanced over to Sans only to see that he was staring at me. I was beginning to become a little uncomfortable so I decided to sit down on the couch but Sans ended up grabbing my wrist and making me turn back to him.

"F/n, I'm really sorry.. But I just couldn't stop myself." Sans was looking all over my face, scanning my expression.

"It's okay, Sans. I.. I hate to admit it, but I liked it." I smiled a little. "If you really needed do that so badly, I would have let you." Sans lets go of my wrist as he looks at me with an expression full of embarrassment. I turned away from him and went over to the couch before sitting down on it. Sans joined me a few seconds later.

After a couple minutes of silence, Papyrus came into the living room. He had only one plate of spaghetti, which was for me. The spaghetti actually smelled edible, so I ate it. Papyrus was really improving his cooking skills. I heard Papyrus squeal happily as he watched me eat his spaghetti, which made me really happy too.

Papyrus, Sans, and I chatted for a little while before I became incredibly tired. I excused myself and walked up stairs and to Sans's room. I didn't understand why I had just become sleep all of the sudden. It was probably because of the spaghetti. Papyrus might of put something he shouldn't have in it, but at least it was edible now.

While I was getting ready to go to sleep, Papyrus washed the dishes and went to his own room, leaving Sans alone in the living room.

Sans was deep in thought.

Sans's POV

She would let me do whatever I wanted.. Even if she didn't want it? Was she that dedicated to making me happy? I blinked, staring down at the floor. I sighed. She's such an amazing girl and I keep getting surprised by her actions as each day passes by. She's too good for me, she really is..

I stood up from the couch and went upstairs and to my room. I shut my bedroom door and looked over to my bed. F/n was laying there, curled up under the covers. I walked over to her and looked her over. She looked so innocent and.. Helpless.

I shook my head slightly to get those thoughts away. She did say she was alright if I desperately needed it.. So.. I gulp quietly and place my hand on her shoulder, gently shaking her awake. She opened her eyes slightly and looked over to me, a small smile appearing on her face. She then sat up and yawned a bit.

"What is it, Sans? It better be important since you woke me up." She joked even thought she sounded serious. My grin faltered since I was about to ask her to do this for me.

"F/n." I called her name, not sure if I was even ready to say what I was about to say.

".. Yes?" She arched a brow curiously. She looked really adorable when she did that. I can't help it, I just can't control myself anymore. I need her now more than ever. I thought I'd be able to hold on longer, to fight the urge to pin her to a wall and take her right then and there.. But.. I just can't.

"Sleep with me." I said it, I actually said it.

"W-what?" She muttered, her eyes widening ever so slightly.

"Sleep with me.. Please." I sounded like I was begging, and I was.

"Sans, I—" She started to say something but I cut her off.

"Please f/n.. I need you." I pleaded, obviously desperate.

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- 1076 words

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