19 | Guard 1 and Guard 2

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"I don't know if
this is true, but
for me
sometimes it gets
so bad that
anything else, say like
looking at a bird on
an overhead
power line seems as
great as a Beethoven
Then you forget it and
you're back again.
- - -

"What a mistake you've made."

It had been a few days since I had said "I love you" to Sans. I've found myself sitting up in his bed in a pool of sweat more often. He's been becoming more worried for me. I've been feeling watched more often and I've sometimes seen things out of the corners of my eyes. I feel like I'm going insane and it's scaring me.

I'm so scared.

Right now I was walking around in HotLand, taking in the sights as I walked. Sans didn't really let me out of his sight since he was so worried about me so when he was sleeping, I decided to go for a stroll. I had never ventured so far into HotLand before, so everything I was seeing was new and interesting. I stopped in my tracks as I looked over what I had just come across.

There were large vents everywhere with fans under them. Sometimes the fans would turn around, blowing into another direction. I decided not to go any farther and turn around to go back to Snowdin. It was time I got back anyway, I've been out here for quite a while.  I brushed a few strands of my h/c hair out of my face and continued forward, coming across two monsters in knight's armor. I blinked, looking at them both.

"Hey bro, like, look. It's a human." One said. This knights had bunny ears and was very buff, super buff. But not as buff as the guard beside him.

"We should like, fight them and bring them to Undyne." The second one with dragon ears said. This Knight was pretty big.

"Great idea bro, like, you're so smart!" The first one complimented, slightly sweating. I smirked, seeing what was going on here. The first knight had a thing for the second one, didn't he?

"... Thanks dude, you too.."

Suddenly, the area around the guards and I went black and white. I was in a battle. The guards attacked me first and I dodged them, I didn't know how I did it, but I did. The first guard kept glancing to his partner, sometimes sweating and even blushing even though it was hard to notice. The second guard was completely oblivious to his buddy's feelings and hints.

I decided to walk over to the first guard and whisper quietly into his ear. "Tell him your feelings, you got this man." I then moved away from one of guard two's attacks. The first guard was shaking from being so nervous.

"Ugh, it's like.. Super hot." The second guard removed his chest plate armor and continued to fight. The first guard was starting to sweat incredibly as he glanced over at the second guard a lot more.

"I... I.. I c-can't take it anymore!" He shouted, making the second guard and myself freeze and look at him. "Dude.. I-I just.. I want to keep doing this with you. I mean.. What I'm like.. Trying to say is that I.. I like, like you a lot. I just love fighting with you and.. And being with you.. I just.." He slowly stopped talking, becoming quiet as he looked at the second guard. I was at a loss of words. Had I effected him that much by just telling him to tell guard 2 his feelings?

"I mean.. Haha! Psyche! I totally got you bro! Haha.. Ha." Gaurd 1 tried playing off the entire thing, shrugging it away. Guard 2 only chuckled quietly.

"Hey.. Do you like, want to.. Get some nicecream after this?" He asked, probably smiling. Guard 1 nodded excitedly then looked over to me but I was nowhere to be seen. I had ran off after their little conversation. It was the perfect distraction to get away from them, so I took it. I felt happy for the two, and I had hope for their new relationship.

The air began to grow colder and so I slowed my pace as I neared WaterFall, I should ask that River Person to take me to Snowdin. I jogged across WaterFall and went to where RP was at. I asked them to take to me to Snowdin and they only nodded slightly. I stepped onto their boat and they began to row, moving me closer to my destination.

"Tra la la, beware of the man who speaks in hands, tra la la." RP spoke in a cheery tune, although their voice was hushed and it was hard to tell what gender they were. I listened to their advice, it stuck in my head. The boat stopped and I realized that we had arrived. I thanked RP and I could've sworn I saw a small smile on their hidden and shadowed face. I just thought it was my imagination but smiled back anyway before turning to leave.

"Beware." They whispered, but you hadn't heard them say this because you had already dashed off, going to your home.

I walked into the house and shut the door behind me. I looked over to the couch only to see that Sans wasn't there like he was when I had left. Crap. I heard a loud crash from upstairs in Sans's room so I rushed up the stairs and into the room only to see Sans had turned the whole room upside down. He was huffing and puffing, obviously out of breath.

"S-Sans?" I called out his name, giving him a look of bewilderment and confusion. Why had he made such a mess? Sans quickly turned, facing me. Relief washed over him as his eyes landed on me, seeing that I was perfectly fine and not injured. Sans walked over to me and embrace pad me into a tight hug. "Sans, are you okay? Why is your room like this?" I looked at him as he pulled away from the hug.

"I was so goddamn worried, you have no idea f/n."sans glanced around his room and sighed, knowing he had to clean it up later. "I was looking for you since I woke up. Which wasn't long ago." He shrugged a bit and leaned against his bed a little. It was upside down and I had no idea why.

"Sorry?" I didn't mean for that to sound so much like a question. "Um.. I'm fine though, but thank for worrying I guess." I looked to the corner of his room, just now noticing a tiny self sustained tornado full of trash and dirty socks. I slowly blinked and looked back to Sans. He was staring at me intensely, making me feel uncomfortable. "You okay, Sans?"

"I should be the one asking you that." Sans said with a small chuckle looking away from me as he began to sweat slightly. I arched a brow but shrugged off his weird behavior. I decided to walk over to the small tornado and picked up a piece of trash, tossing it in. It began to whirl around with the rest of the garbage.

"How is this even a thing?" I asked, looking over my shoulder at Sans.

"Honestly, I have no idea how I did that." He walked over to me and looked down at the tornado, watching it along with me. "But it looks cool so I don't have a bone to pick with it." His grin widened and he looked over at me, seeing that I was holding in a giggle. "What? Was my pun not that humerus?" He asked, wiggling his nonexistent eyebrows. Finally, I broke out laughing, clutching my chest.

"SANS!" A loud voice yelled from downstairs, making me laugh even harder. Sans soon began to laugh too. Papyrus came into the room and looked around, looking a bit disgusted. His expression softened as he saw Sans and I both laughing incredibly hard. He then left the room, shutting the door as he walked out.

I calmed down and looked at Sans, he then looked back at me after calming down himself. I smiled and shook my head a bit.

What would I ever do without this skeleton of mine?

Do not worry Sinners!
The next few chapters
are going to be very
wild and will have
a lot of feels. I just
wanted a nice chapter
before I mess up
everything. So
here it is! Have fun
on the feels train! ;)
(A lot more will be
explained as well.)

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